According to the German Association of Dermatologists, persistent facial redness has many causes, including overuse of cosmetics and skin diseases.

The association pointed out that excessive use of cosmetics and cosmetics damage the function of natural protection of the skin, making them more susceptible to injury and infection.

In this case, the use of cosmetics and cosmetics should be abandoned, and only the skin should be cleaned with water. You should also know the type of skin (dry, greasy or sensitive) and the use of cosmetics and customized and compatible with them.

If the redness of the face continues, a dermatologist should be consulted. Redness may then indicate skin disease such as rosacea.

In the case of rosacea, the small veins can grow and the redness of the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin appears.

The cause of the disease is not yet known, but doctors say it is due to genetic genes or excessive exposure to sunlight.

In addition to medicines prescribed by the doctor, rosacea can be avoided by avoiding factors that cause trouble, such as hot foods, hot drinks, sunlight and psychological stress.