Happy couples realize the importance of respecting each other's privacy and not having to spend all day together. But this does not negate the importance of spending time together to strengthen the relationship between the two parties.

In this regard, the American site Step to Health published an article showing the six habits of happy couples weekly to maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

1. Participation in housework
According to the website, the secret of a happy marriage is the cooperation between the partners to carry out the household tasks together, where at least one day a week is allocated to share household work, which strengthens the relationship between them, and gives them an opportunity to exchange the parties. At the same time, the couple is cooperating to keep the house clean.

2. Breakfast by bed
Breakfast in bed once a week - Step to Health - is a great way to express the love each other has for each other and helps keep them in harmony. However, it is very important that this movement be spontaneous.

Couples may not attach much importance to this habit, but getting up early and preparing a breakfast that the partner loves is a gesture that makes him feel excited and has special status for you. If the couple does not have time to see each other on a weekday basis, breakfast in bed will be a valuable sign to enhance their love and bring happiness to their lives.

Spend a day without using the means of communication enhances the way of marital happiness (Pixabee)

3. Without means of communication
The site said spending time together without using technology or any other means is an effective way to maintain a happy married life. But for many, abandoning the use of networks is one of the most difficult habits to do.

However, it is very important for the couple to spend at least one day a week without viewing the news or surfing the networks to talk about different topics. In this way, they promote positive communication between the two partners and strengthen their relationship.

4. Intimacy
The healthy marital relationship is based mainly on the existence of a space dedicated to talking about the intimate aspects of their relationship. It should not be a taboo subject between the parties, according to the US site.

Sometimes, some couples ignore this activity because they are busy. However, it is important to say that the practice of intimacy greatly affects the marital relationship in general and contributes to maintaining harmony between the two partners, and communicate better.

Working on joint projects helps to establish a healthy and strong relationship between couples (Pixabee)

5. Joint projects
The site pointed out that working on joint projects helps the couple to establish a healthy and strong relationship between them. In this sense, couples should talk about their desires, goals and fears.

The opportunity for couples to take housework or the time spent together to establish new common goals or to support each other to achieve individual goals must be taken advantage of. For some, these projects may be to have a child or to travel together.

6. Partner Privacy
Although couples need to spend time together, it is also important that both partners respect each other's privacy and give them personal space, says Step to Health.

In general, spend time without a partner, take the opportunity to go to the cinema, spend time with friends, visit family members or practice hobbies. Enjoying a little independence is important to maintaining a healthy relationship.