“First of all, this NATO statement is an indication that they treat the Crimea as a territory in which no one seems to live. Such words are very offensive for Crimeans. If the alliance said that it was necessary to ask the opinion of the inhabitants of the peninsula, to find out how the referendum was held, this would be consistent with the aforementioned international law. Crimea actually all the time being in the structure of Ukraine lived together with Russia. All polls conducted showed that most of the residents want to return to Russia, ”said the senator.

Earlier, NATO issued a statement in connection with the fifth anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea to Russia and called for the “return” of the peninsula to Ukraine.

The Alliance called the events of five years ago "a serious violation of international law and a challenge to Euro-Atlantic security."

Crimea became the Russian region after the referendum held there in March 2014, in which the majority of residents spoke in favor of reunification with Russia.