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French President Emmanuel Macron, February 25, 2019 on the steps of the Elysée Palace in Paris. REUTERS / Philippe Wojazer

We had been waiting for him for several weeks. Emmanuel Macron will speak on the European question. The President of the Republic will publish Tuesday, March 5, 2019 a forum in several newspapers of the 28 countries of the Union. An offensive that marks his entry into the campaign in view of the May 26th poll.

Talking to all Europeans, not just the French, is how Emmanuel Macron chose to proceed. At the time of the Brexit, when his opponents - in France, the party National Rally - advocate the withdrawal, the President of the Republic wants to show by publishing a platform in all the countries of the Union that he remains faithful to his vision a common project.

His niche: defend a "progressive" Europe, against the "nationalists", in view of the election of the MEPs of the Strasbourg Parliament next May. Topics that Emmanuel Macron will also address Sunday night in a television interview broadcast in Italy on the Rai Uno channel.

Everything will gravitate around the president

A sequence in two stages, therefore, to mark the entry into the campaign of the Europeans. This expression of the President on Europe was announced, it had been postponed because of great debate. Emmanuel Macron waited to have taken a bit of the hair of the beast in the polls to launch the attack on the mainland.

Now stay in training The Republic on the move to find a head of the list. All parties are organized except the presidential party. However, names are circulating, those of the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn and European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau. An important cast, even if the one who will play the main role, it will obviously be Macron.

The "yellow vests" in the assault of the urns in view of the Europeans