By RFIPalled on 07-09-2018Modified on 07-09-2018 at 17:46

In France this week, a man suspected of abuses during the civil war in Liberia in the 1990s was arrested. Named Kunti K., this Dutch naturalized Liberian was reportedly a commander in one of the factions opposed to Charles Taylor. A preliminary inquiry against him was ongoing since July at the Paris prosecutor's office for "crimes against humanity and crimes and war crimes".

For the moment, it is difficult to know how Kunti K arrived in France, in 2016. Possibly by the migrant route, but the investigation will have to confirm it.

In any case, according to Colonel Éric Emeraux, commander of the office of fight against crimes against humanity, if Kunti K was arrested in the Paris region, it is because he had good reasons to be there. " In these situations, do people who at some point have to flee from one country or another rely on the community, or at least the people in the community of their country of origin? " explained during a telephone interview. In this case, Liberia. So it happens by the help. "

Members of the Liberian community of Ile-de-France could have helped him. Again, the investigation continues. An arrest and investigation all the more valuable as there is no court for war criminals in Liberia. Hence the interest of investigations conducted by Eric Emeraux. " The purpose of the Office of Crimes Against Humanity is to seek and challenge all individuals who have been responsible for crimes against humanity and who have taken refuge in France. And especially fight against impunity. "

The NGO Civitas Maxima, which defends the victims of war crimes and who is at the origin of the complaint, she did not wish to comment.

It had to be located in France. We did some research to find it.

Colonel Gendarmerie Eric Aimeraux, Commander of the Central Office for Combating Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide and War Crimes

07-09-2018 - By Pierre Olivier

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