All problems within institutions are often related to communication, which is how we interact with each other.

Kate Houston said in her report, published by the site "quartz" American, that there are many reasons why communication within the company is subject to collapse, where the most common problems in this regard.

Surface work strategies
The problem of communication is more apparent when talking about business strategies. Anyone can present a plan of action, but they will not be able to identify actual changes. They will not be able to answer concrete questions, so employees within the organization may feel confused and frustrated because they can not balance changes and their responsibilities. Daily.

In managing a workshop, for example, without any clear goal or results, staff will never understand the mechanism of action and will feel as if they are wasting their time. A good strategy requires in-depth study, that includes a clear understanding of the main problems and an ability to explain how these problems are addressed.

Good strategy requires clear understanding of major problems (Getty Images)

Conflicts of priorities
This problem arises when people communicate superficially, without taking into account the views or priorities of the other party.

and for example, Group A needs support from Group B in its very high priority project, but Team B considers this project a lower priority and abandons it for another project, which frustrates Panel A.

The author reported that she had a similar experience while working with one of the teams, which was facing a continuing failure. After a lengthy study of their agenda, she discovered that communication between the team members had been interrupted for months, and therefore their priorities and priorities of the people they deal with were completely different.

Some employees tend to over-trust themselves, causing communication problems (Getty Images)

Lack of empathy
This problem is compounded by most companies in particular when employees try to discuss some important organizational changes.

Sometimes external factors force the company to review the work plan and decide to stop the project, and reassign the team to work on another important priority project.

On the other hand, the company ignores the personal efforts of those individuals in the project they have worked on for a long time, which causes concern and resentment within the institution.

She explained that organizational change is usually the result of in-depth thinking by the leadership, in addition to work through a broad vision to find out why the need for this change. But senior leaders depend on their personal feelings when making such decisions, ignoring the views and interests of employees.

Communicating cause for concern
Sometimes, you tell someone something simple and straightforward, to see later and you are confused, exaggerated reaction.

In fact, the communication that makes you feel anxious is when you feel like you can not speak directly to someone, because everything you tell them goes through a layer of fear and anxiety. It makes conversations more difficult than they should be, and makes you more likely to get into them.

Staff should prioritize together so as not to clash (Getty Images)

Excessive trust
Some staff sometimes tend to over-trust themselves. A new team leader may propose a major change in the action plan without providing an appropriate explanation, causing confusion among team members.

Regardless of the success history of this leader, employees cling to the traditional work method adopted within their company, believing that the methods that worked with other companies, will not necessarily succeed with the way they work.

The trust between the manager and his staff must be mutual, and the new members should recognize that trust must be gained.

Strong relationships are built on honesty and integrity among employees, and therefore the manager must stay away from all the common problems of communicating with his staff, in order to develop the good intentions he needs to effectively manage the company.