By RFIPalled on 05-09-2018Modified on 05-09-2018 at 09:50

In Mauritania, the wait for the results of the legislative, regional and local elections of Saturday, September 1st is prolonged and the pressure is accentuated on the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI). On the evening of August 4, the opposition leaders went to meet the president of the CENI to denounce the fraud and attempts to manipulate the figures for the benefit of the ruling party and the intrusion of the administration into the electoral process. .

Intended for the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI), a message of protest and anger was carried by the leaders of the fifteen main Mauritanian opposition parties, including Mahfoudh Ould Bettah, president of the party of the National Democratic Convergence.

" The intrusion of the administration is obvious , says the latter. She chose the presidents of polling stations and their accessors. She continues to put very strong pressure on these people. It is quite new that fraud is systematically organized .

A question of time

Faced with these accusations, the president of the CENI opposes the neutrality of the Commission. " The Ceni, at the central, departmental and regional level, is equidistant between all the parties in competition ," says Mohamed Vall Ould Bellal. It is misleading to say that the Ceni is exploited by this or that political party. There is no evidence that can be advanced on this .

The president of the CENI explained on the delay of the proclamation of the results. " How do you expect that with the 98 lists in competition, the five ballots combined, we can process all the minutes and deliver results in three or four days ? he complains. Give us more time .

Last night, dozens of opposition activists gathered in front of the Electoral Commission headquarters demanded the publication of the results of the September 1 polls.

    On the same subject

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