By RFIPalled on 07-09-2018Modified on 07-09-2018 at 12:50

What strategy for the opposition in the DRC? The Constitutional Court rendered its decisions and confirmed the invalidation of Jean-Pierre Bemba's candidatures, Adolphe Muzito, while Moïse Katumbi is also prevented from running. On Tuesday, MLC Jean-Pierre Bemba announced the creation of a crisis committee common to the opposition. This Friday, an "update" meeting is announced this time at the UDPS headquarters.

In principle, everyone seems to agree . The opposition must " stick together around a common strategy ," explains Martin Fayulu. Still need to define it. The hypothesis of a single candidacy remains on the agenda, but while the number of options on the table has decreased considerably, each time and the reason that the priority is elsewhere.

" What good is it if it is to go towards a planned defeat ," pleads Moïse Katumbi, who must first " agree on the conditions of a true democratic election " and " fight for the get . Same story with Jean-Pierre Bemba. This is also the whole purpose of the joint crisis committee announced by the MLC, his party, but Felix Tshisekedi, discreet since he knows he will be able to introduce himself, said not to have heard. He in turn urges opposition to a meeting this Friday at the UDPS for, he says, " checking that we are on the same wavelength ".

The remarks of the party of Jean-Pierre Bemba on a possible boycott, worried some. " We must focus on pressure, " pleads Felix Tshisekedi. The opponent, as if to reassure his comrades removed from the race, promises: " If there is alternation, it will build a national union . Always in the race, too, and even more discreet Vital Kamerhe, who did not sign the last joint statement of the opposition and did not express himself recently otherwise via a statement of the secretary general of his party, in which he reaffirms his " solidarity ".

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