Dubai Municipality has confirmed that the distance between the restaurant and the café to be approved should not be less than 150 meters, and that the shisha should not be provided from 12 pm to 10 am, Ie 10 hours a day.

And stipulated in the new regulations issued recently on the granting and renewal of permits for smoking places prepared by the Department of Health and Safety not less than the distance between the places that provide shisha and mosques and places of worship for 100 meters, and be located in areas classified commercial or commercial residential, which are located on the main streets, The front of the shop will have a direct view of the main street.

It is permitted to provide shisha in cafes or similar sites licensed in the four-star hotels and above, in the outer places only, within the boundaries of the land, and within the authorized uses, the place to provide shisha is not visible to visitors and guests from the outside and inside.

The Municipality has stipulated that the area of ​​the internal shop should not be less than 200 square meters, the area of ​​the cafe lounge is 150 square meters, and the area allocated for smoking shisha should not exceed 50 percent of the hall area in the event of a catering activity. Of the building, and that the shop be isolated from the rest of the building.

And stressed not to make any changes to the building in terms of entrances and exits or service facilities before obtaining the prior approval of the competent authority for building permits.

The Municipality stated that the area allocated for smokers should be completely isolated from the surrounding areas, that the height of the site should not be less than three meters, that all doors be self-contained, that there should be no non-smoking corridor through the smoking area, Non-smoking area.

She stressed the need to provide the areas designated for smoking with the unit of handling of clean air mechanically treated, and the withdrawal of exhaust air, as well as air conditioning according to the specifications of the American Society of Engineers of cooling and heating, so that the rate of internal air flow of place is less than 25 liters per second per person.

The municipality stated that the owner of the café and his representative must be committed to the area designated for smoking away from the main entrances of the buildings or neighboring shops at a distance not less than 7.5 meters, with clear signs at the entrances showing the place for smokers and the place for non-smokers, Prohibits the entry of persons under the age of 18 years into the places designated for smokers, as it is not allowed to allow places to provide tobacco or products to them.

The café owner is obliged not to contain the smoking areas for any entertainment and games, and the number of people in the places to smoke should not exceed the permitted number, at a rate of 2 square meters per person, and the working hours for the delivery of tobacco or its products from 10 am To 12 pm, and may not be extended until the approval of the competent government authorities.

She noted that cigarette smoke should be removed from all smoke-free sites, with tobacco products covered so that children could not see them, tobacco products or products were not offered or sold next to the supply or sale of food and health goods or products, , Or sports tools and clothing.

She stressed the need to provide a first aid box in the cafe, and to stop the cultivation of cosmetic 2.1 meters high in the area smokers, to block the vision of that area.

The municipality stressed that the coffee shop should not cause any inconvenience to the building, the neighborhood or the area in general, or to traffic or public parking, and to provide shisha pipes of the types used only once, in addition to preventing the delivery of shisha inside closed cabins of three sides or more, It is forbidden to provide shisha service outside the shop (shisha service to offices, homes or cars).

And stressed the non-objection of the developer or owner of the building to provide a service to smoke cigarettes or shisha, and non-objection of the civil defense for it.

These requirements apply to all cafes, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls and other buildings that wish to obtain an annual permit for the smoking areas within the geographical boundaries of Dubai, the municipality said.

Dubai Municipality has issued new regulations on granting permits for places designated for smoking.