The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has announced that Dubai Crown Restoration Technology has saved the lives of more than 200 patients worldwide and seven of the world's largest cardiologists have been trained to use them. Safadi.

Al Safadi explained to Emirates Today that the innovative technology is widely used worldwide by trained doctors. There is also a great demand for heart doctors worldwide to learn, work and teach.

The innovative technology has made an exceptional shift in the methods of cardiac surgery in general, and the treatment of mitral valve specifically, as the innovation, which changed many scientific concepts on the international medical scene, and is reflected in the level of qualitative development in the health sector in Dubai.

He pointed out that the stimulating environment and the incubation of innovation and the provision of resources by the Commission helped to lead the innovative idea to the world, bearing the name of Dubai, the fastest growing city in the world, the city of creativity and innovation.

Al-Safadi said that through the Dubai technology to restore the crown valve, Dubai Hospital has become a source of scientific knowledge and successful experiences. The technology has adopted seven world-renowned centers in heart surgery worldwide, noting that there are patients with major problems in the coronary valve, , Where the solution of the valve problem was limited to replacing it with another metal valve, and over time the problems of the metal valve and its seriousness appeared to the health of the patients, which reached their death from the consequences of this valve.

He added that with the development of treatment began to use close tissue valves of natural tissue, but it was later revealed that the age of tissue valves does not exceed 10 years, so it was preferable to perform such operations for older patients, and other problems related to weakness of heart muscle and lack of functions, Restoration began in France at the end of the eighties of the last century, and developed the process, but did not spread because of the adoption of its success and the success of the availability of doctors skilled and experience is high, so the repair of valves is limited to a select elite of doctors in the world.

Al-Safadi explained that the innovative technique is similar to the kraft. This method allows the doctor in the operating room to control the length of the ligaments according to the diameter of the valve in the patient, explaining that these ligaments of the normal surgical thread, but of a kind that is proportional to the nature of the heart valve.

He added that the doctors were following 40 techniques and methods to calculate the length of ligaments before the repair process. The method of the Dubai Technique for the restoration of the innovative crown valve to facilitate all these things and overcome the old complex calculations and thus became the process of access to specialist surgeons, pointing out that more than a global conference In heart surgery, he reviewed the method of restoration in an innovative way. The most important of these conferences was the American Surgeons' Conference, which devoted two days of its work to talk about valve repairs, and recommended that the new method be generalized.

He noted that the technology has spread rapidly and widely in the international medical arena, especially among cardiologists and specialists, and conducted more than 200 surgeries using this technique, in several countries (America, Belgium, Italy, Britain and others), a rate of success of 100%.

The best medical innovation

The Dubai Heart Rehabilitation Consultant, Dr. Fawzi Al Safadi, said that the Dubai Dental Restoration System was awarded the world's best medical innovation award in 2018 and has been awarded the first patent of its kind in the world.

One of the most important features of innovative technology is that it enables the patient to improve and recover faster, at a lower cost of money, and allows the operation through binoculars, and thus contribute to the dissemination of this type of surgery more sophisticated, away from open chest and the pains and complications that result from them.

Transfer of knowledge and experience

Dr. Fawzi Al-Safadi said that the Emirate of Dubai, with all the potential of the Health Authority and its medical elite, is the closest and only qualified to lead the major and complex operations in cardiac surgery, and that point is a comma, and has evidence supported by many successes and achievements. He added that «Dubai is able to publish the summary of medical experiments to generalize the benefit, and contribute to saving the lives of many cases of heart disease, and that is the transfer of experience and knowledge, which we would like to be the basis for us all and throughout our Arab homeland, And his position and his clear and influential influence in the movement of the development of medicine and its sciences ».

«The stimulating and incubator environment for creativity, and the provision of resources have helped to bring the innovative idea to the world».