By RFPosted on 02-03-2019Modified on 02-03-2019 at 23:02

Felix Tshisekedi unveiled on Saturday, March 2, the program for the first 100 days of his tenure as head of the DRC. Peace and security, roads, health, agriculture ... An ambitious plan that also incorporates the thaw on the political level. The new president intends indeed to release in the coming days the political prisoners and to make return the political exiles.

According to the new head of state, all political detainees in the Democratic Republic of Congo will soon be released. Felix Tshisekedi thus believes to consolidate the achievements of democracy. " Within ten days, I will take a measure of presidential pardon for the benefit of political prisoners who have been sentenced, " he said, presenting his program for his first 100 days in office.

Instructions, said the Congolese president, will also be given to the Minister of Justice to take all necessary measures for the conditional release of all other persons detained for crimes of opinion.

Presentation of the Emergency Program for the first 100 days of the President of the Republic HE Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi.
The Head of State unveils his program focused on Security, justice, infrastructure and communication channels, education, relaxation ...

DRC Presidency 🇨🇩 (@Presidence_RDC) March 2, 2019

Felix Tshisekedi also said he wanted to bring back all the exiles who are stranded outside. " I will work actively to create the conditions for a rapid return of compatriots who are currently outside the country for political reasons ," he said.

Among the policies blocked abroad, the opponent Moïse Katumbi Chapwe. On the phone, the former governor of Katanga welcomed the decision announced by President Tshisekedi.

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