"I have a high negative rating ... If you kicked (human. - RT ) with a negative rating, you got a positive," RIA Novosti quotes him.

He also admitted that in the 1990s, millions of Russians experienced a “very difficult period.” According to Chubais, he would not want to be in the place of the “guilty”, but he accepted this.

“In this sense, a person needs someone to be guilty,” added the head of Rosnano.

In the 1990s, Chubais first held the position of chairman of the Russian State Committee on State Property Management, worked as deputy chairman of the government, then headed the presidential administration and served as finance minister for several months.

In mid-January, Chubais said that because of the low cost of electricity, Russia is one of the most energy-wasteful countries in the world.

He also called Russia and its inhabitants poor.