This is reported by UNIAN.

“While this document is not signed by me as the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, the president of Ukraine, and has not been published in the Uryadovoy Kuryaru”, it is not valid. And although the decree itself states 14:00 on the 26th, it will actually come into effect and become law when it is publicly published, ”he specified.

Paruby noted that so far he has not had the opportunity to sign the law, as he is on a visit to Brussels. According to him, he intends to sign the document on November 28 and believes that Poroshenko will do the same.

“I think it will most likely be tomorrow during the day. I think the president will sign it very quickly after my signature. And when it will be published in the “Uryadovoy kur'єri”, from that second the law and the presidential decree will come into effect, ”he added.

Earlier, the administration Poroshenko announced an updated decree, which enters into force the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on martial law.

On November 26, the Verkhovna Rada voted to impose martial law for 30 days in a number of Ukrainian regions.

Earlier, NSN reported that the first deputy chairman of the committee on international affairs of the Federation Council, Vladimir Dzhabarov, said that everything that happened in the Sea of ​​Azov was done to cancel the presidential elections in Ukraine in March 2019.