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Jair Bolsonaro's supporters immobilize the man who stabbed the candidate on September 6, 2016. To the shouts of "you're going to die," the militants handed him over to the authorities. Felipe Couri / Minas Tribune / via REUTERS

The presidential campaign was turned upside down in Brazil when Jair Bolsonaro, the favorite of the October 7 poll, was stabbed Thursday, September 6, in the late afternoon during a crowded swim in Juiz de Fora. The far-right candidate is in a stable state, but could take two months to recover from his injuries. According to preliminary police reports, his attacker was arrested and identified as an evangelical suffering from psychological disorders. He fought for several years in a leftist party.

The person responsible for the attack on the candidate Bolsonaro is a 40-year-old man named Adelio Bispo de Oliveira who says he acted " for personal reasons " and " on the orders of God ", according to a preliminary report by the military police . In an interview with Globo TV, his lawyer also put forward religious motives, while stating that his client did not intend to kill. He would have acted " also because of the prejudices shown by Bolsonaro every time he speaks of race, religion and women, " said Pedro Augusto Lima Possa.

According to the reconstruction of the facts presented in the preliminary investigation, Adelio Bispo de Oliveira came out of his house with a knife to join the march of the partisans of Jair Bolsonaro in the city of Juiz de Fora, having already in mind the idea of attack the latter. When the candidate passed by him, carried on the shoulders of his supporters, Mr. Bispo de Oliveira hit him in the abdomen.

His family evokes cases of psychotic crises

As imagined of the moment of contra Bolsonaro circularam our sites of vários jornais internacionais Raysa LEITE / AFP

On his Facebook profile, the attacker had posted critical messages and insults against the far-right MP , as well as conspiracy messages implicating " the Right and Freemasonry ". The Supreme Electoral Tribunal confirmed that the aggressor had campaigned from 2007 to 2014 in the left-wing party Socialism and Freedom (PSOL), a split of the Workers Party of Lula.

In an interview with the daily Folha de São Paulo , one of the nieces of Mr. de Oliveira said that he had changed his behavior during the last three years, including having a psychotic crisis. " It was a shock, we did not understand what happened to him, " said Jussara Ramos saying that the family was unaware of belonging to the PSOL. " He has always been very discreet on the political issue, he never said anything about it. Except that he wanted a better world, but that's what everyone wants, right ? "

"They just elect the new president, and it will be in the first round"

Jair Bolsonaro was transferred from Juiz de Fora to São Paulo on Friday, September 7, and must remain hospitalized for several days and therefore can not campaign normally.

The event almost cost Jair Bolsonaro his life, but he may have brought it closer to the Planalto Palace in Brasilia. According to the daily Folha de São Paulo , allies of the deputy have recognized: " A message for these bandits: they have just elected the new president, and it will be done in the first round, " said one of the sons the deputy, Flávio Bolsonaro, after having gone to the bedside of his father. In any case, the attack will affect the vote of the Brazilians, in the October 7th poll.

"It is intolerable to see that it is not possible to have a normal campaign"

The political class and the main candidates all condemned this attack. President Michel Temer asked the Minister of Security in the evening, " a reinforcement of the security of the candidates and a rigorous investigation ". Shortly after the event, President Michel Temer recorded a televised message Thursday, September 6 condemning intolerance in the countryside.

" I'm talking about this so as not to conceal this sad and lamentable episode for our democracy, but it must serve as an example. I hope, God willing, that candidate Bolsonaro will recover well, I'm sure he will not have any complications, at least I hope so. And that it serves as an example for those who are campaigning today to understand that tolerance flows directly from democracy itself. "

It is intolerable, when we live in a state of law, to see that it is not possible to have a normal campaign, a campaign where candidates present their project. That we want to vote for a candidate is a big mistake. Voting for a candidate is culturally backward. You have to vote for projects. And to vote for projects, candidates need to circulate in the country.

For Michel Temer, "intolerance" in the campaign is unacceptable 07/09/2018 - by Véronique Gaymard