"The Saudis are making a mistake if they think their alliance with President Donald Trump is an alliance with the United States," Bloomberg said in a statement.

The writer, Hussein Ishi, said in his article that Riyadh focuses on its relationship with Trump, ignores the views of Congress on its Republican and Democratic parties, does not care about protecting its relationship with the US as a whole, and provokes bipartisan criticism, for example in the recent congressional vote to stop Washington's intervention in the war in Yemen.

The article began with the question: Do the Saudis want to maintain their alliance with America rather than simply aligning with Trump?

"The worst is that Saudi Arabia has become a common cause for the two parties.

Flexible .. bacillus
He said that Saudi-US relations have been flexible over the years because they are necessary for both parties for many reasons, including that the Gulf region remains the lifeline of the global economy, and its importance is crucial to the global strategy of Washington.

Saudi Arabia needs an international champion to protect its interests, and no country can play this role other than America, so the US-Saudi alliance has been sustainable and survived even from the Arab-Israeli wars and the oil embargo. 1973, the September 11, 2011 attacks and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

He continued that the current crisis in relations between the two countries did not occur in a vacuum, but their motives are not as great as those developments. He attributed the reasons to the steps of normalization of former US President Barack Obama to conclude a nuclear agreement with Iran and rapprochement with Tehran and the frantic quest to cancel these steps by Riyadh and Washington after Trump took the presidency, which was the first foreign visit to Trump to Saudi Arabia.

Since the famous Trump visit to Riyadh, the latter and the president's administration have been treating this relationship as personal between the president's and king's families.

The most dangerous thing
At the best of times, Riyadh continues to understand that the relationship between the two countries is a relationship between them and the Republican Party, saying that is dangerous given that the other Democratic Party is an integral part of US decision-making and that its influence has gradually increased in recent times.

"The biggest danger for Saudi Arabia is for Democrats to understand that the relationship with Riyadh did not start with former President Roosevelt in the 1930s, but from Trump's fault with a policy that eliminates all of Obama's achievements, including the relationship with Iran, so if the Democrats win the presidency, Trump's policy in the Middle East.

He said some high voices in the Democratic Party were already hinting at preferring partnership with Iran instead of Saudi Arabia, and he regretted that some Saudis were acting as if the few Democrats were the expected and firm stance of their party. He described it as the greatest threat to relations between the two countries.