On Wednesday, September 5, the UK authorities released their version of the story of the Violins. According to London, two Russians, who allegedly serve in the GRU, brought chemical weapons to Salisbury. They came to the United Kingdom with passports addressed to Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. In this case, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Therese May said that the special services are convinced: the names and surnames of "agents" are fictitious. Also, in reinforcing its version, the British side made public pictures of the cameras, which supposedly "prove" the involvement of the men who got into the cadres.

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The Russian side stressed the inconsistencies and inconsistency of the London version. Moscow categorically denies the involvement of the state in the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, and also calls on Britain to begin cooperation in the investigation of the incident. Until now, London categorically refuses to respond to any official requests of the Russian Federation and does not even intend to transmit data on the suspects through diplomatic channels.

Many users of social networks considered the accusations to be ridiculous and began publishing jokes about "GRU agents".

On the eve of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov showed the correspondent of REN TV his favorite meme about the "poisoners of the Violins". On it, the "proofs" of Britain are "portrayed" by the residents of the Comedy Club Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov.

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Other parodies depict "ordinary Russian guys." For example, the heroes of the Soviet film "Afonya".

    Another user suggested that "Britons from a neighboring yard" could go to Britain for a "special mission".

    Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov before sending to England. Training base of the GRU "Padik" pic.twitter.com/9msnMK63U3

    - 🍆 (@eto_tak) September 5, 2018

    Petrov and Boshirova were compared to the characters in the film "Blind Man".

    Petrov and Boshirov.
    Petrova (Panina) can be issued immediately and forever. pic.twitter.com/x5F4h1C8o2

    - William (@ Y6y8E4v3sAjGZGc) September 5, 2018

    Also, users recalled films of foreign production. For example, the British comedy "Nuns on the run". The heroes of the painting are forced to hide in the convent from the mafia.

    Became known to the identity of two suspects in the Poisoning of the Violins😂 #Scripalspic.twitter.com/9xWYt5oL6Q

    - Alexsander (@ alexadvo81) September 6, 2018

    Also, Mr. Bean was suspected of involvement.

    # Salisbury # Novichok # notRussia

    New CCTV footage is trained #Petrov and #Boshirov. pic.twitter.com/E1fJJG3nkl

    - Rich '77 punk (@ 77Pnk) September 6, 2018

    "Superagents" without cover

    On the Internet, it was also considered absurd that, according to London, Russian "agents" are posing for cameras and do not hide persons.

    One of the users gives a whole list of inconsistencies, which, in his estimation, were not taken into account by British investigators.

    "Two Russian superspyants from the typical James Bond films. Special signs: go everywhere together, get a British visa with bioparametric data, carry poison everywhere, but there are no poisoned people in the hotel, they carry poison that does not kill, they look for cameras and walk specially under them together, book a hotel with their own card, one place at the same time, poison the person who was exchanged for uselessness, "the publication reads.

      Another user attached attributes that the "GRU staff", in particular a string bag and a bear, lacked.

        Nahimichili with chemicals

        Also, some considered it suspicious that the malefactors who allegedly brought to Britain in a fake flask of spirits such a dangerous poisonous substance, did not protect themselves from the effects of chemistry. They wear ordinary clothes. But in fact at the scene of the incident in Salisbury, British specialists worked in chemical protection suits.

        "Men" are working with the most lethal military toxic substance of high concentration. " How many differences do you see? "- says the publication of the Russian embassy in the UK.

        Men "working with the most deadly military grade toxin of high purity." How many differences can you spot? Pic.twitter.com/OLFZWBJLsC

        - Russian Embassy, ​​UK (@RussianEmbassy) September 6, 2018

        In this case, one English-speaking Twitter user wonders why one of the suspects in the pictures appeared in different jackets.

        Does this seem like a different jacket and shoes for the guy in blue? # skripalpoisoning # Skripalpic.twitter.com / VGYuSGaVeW

        - Lee Stranahan (@stranahan) September 6, 2018

        Some users of social networks also suggested that, perhaps, the poisonous substance Petrov and Boshirov created directly in the hotel room.

        Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov in the process of making "The Beginner", the hotel room in Salisbury. pic.twitter.com/iDJSE9ScNH

        - Masterpieces of Contemporary Art (@MoskRussia) September 5, 2018

        In general, the new "evidence" of London in Russia's involvement in the poisoning of the Violins seemed naive to users of social networks. One of them in this connection published a fragment from the Soviet cartoon about Winnie the Pooh.

        Petrov and Boshirov go to poison the Skrypal
        Video pic.twitter.com/9escjaSMC7

        - FAITH IN RUSSIA (@RussiaInHeart) September 5, 2018