The southern province of Aziziyah, the capital of the Libyan capital Tripoli on Saturday witnessed armed clashes, the most violent in the region between the forces of retired brigade Khalifa Hafter and the forces of the government of Al-Wefaq.

According to the Anatolia correspondent, the clashes began after the western forces led by Osama al-Juwaili launched a process to regain control of the camp of the fourth brigade, which was seized by the forces of Haftar earlier.

The forces of the anger volcano operation of the National Accord government announced yesterday that it forced the forces of Hafer to retreat from the points and several sites in the central Valley of spring and Ain Zara south of Tripoli.

According to the same source, the reconciliation forces have made progress in the axis of Aziziyah, while witnesses in the region that the clashes are still going on so far.

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Mutual bombing
As the fighting continued, the two sides exchanged aerial bombardment. A plane belonging to retired Major General Khalifa Haftar attacked the Ain Zara area south of Tripoli, causing material damage to private and public property.

On the other hand, a government aircraft bombed the positions of Hafar forces near the city of Gharyan, southwest of the capital Tripoli, which is the rear base for the operations of the forces of Hafar.

The Al-Sawani axis witnessed an exchange of missiles between the two sides, and the Libyan Red Crescent teams managed to evacuate a number of families in the area.

On Friday, demonstrations in Tripoli and Misrata, west of Libya, came out in condemnation of what was described as Hafar's aggression against the capital Tripoli.

The demonstrators condemned the role of the UAE and Saudi Arabia in support of the attack Hafter Tripoli, they said, and called for the expulsion of the international mission in Libya, and accused of failing to stop the armed conflict in the areas south of Tripoli.

Thousands of residents of Tripoli demonstrated to denounce what they described as the aggression by the forces of Haftar on the Libyan capital (Reuters)

On April 4, Hafter, who leads the army in the east, launched a military operation to take control of Tripoli, a move that sparked widespread international condemnation.

The move came ahead of a conference to be held on Sunday and Tuesday as part of an international roadmap to tackle the conflict in the oil-rich Arab country before being indefinitely postponed.

Since 2011, Libya has been witnessing a struggle for legitimacy and authority, which is currently being held between the internationally recognized Accordance Government in Tripoli (west) and the Hafater forces of the House of Representatives held in Tobruk (east).