The United States continues to persuade Turkey to abandon the acquisition of the S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems from the Russian Federation. This was stated by Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan.

And about. The head of the Pentagon said that two months after his appointment to this post (January 1, 2019) he had already held five meetings with his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar. According to him, the issue of purchases of the Russian systems "Triumph" has always become one of the main topics of conversation.

“My position is that C-400 and F-35 are incompatible,” said Shanakhan in an interview with Bloomberg.

He added that Ankara will not be able to receive both the Russian air defense system and the fifth-generation American fighter-bomber. The Turkish side expects to purchase about 100 aircraft manufactured by Lockheed Martin.

"We want to find a solution that will make the F-35 the most important asset in the armed forces of our strategic partner," - said Acting Pentagon heads.

He also refused to discuss what actions Washington would take if Ankara received the C-400. At the same time, the Minister of Defense added that the US continues negotiations with the Turkish side on the supply of US Patriot air defense systems.

  • Turkish Minister of Defense Hulusi Acar and Pentagon Acting Chief Patrick Shanahan
  • Reuters
  • © Francois Lenoir

Meanwhile, Bloomberg, with reference to two anonymous Turkish officials, said that the republic had refused the last offer of the American side regarding anti-aircraft missile systems. The reason for this decision was the lack of a loan agreement and a technology transfer pact. These two points are the key requirements of Ankara. In addition, the Turkish side was demanded to break the deal with Moscow on the delivery of Russian S-400 air defense missile systems.

However, the same day, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlüt авavuşo заявлениеlu made a different statement. According to him, the discussion of possible supplies has just started. He stressed that for Ankara price, delivery schedule and prospects for technology transfer are of particular importance.

“The Americans reacted positively to the last letter concerning the Patriot, which we sent two years ago, and the negotiations began,” Anadolu quotes the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

Recall that the contract for the supply of Russian air defense systems "Triumph" was signed by Moscow and Ankara in September 2017. After that, the US authorities have repeatedly argued that obtaining the S-400 would lead to the imposition of sanctions and a revision of bilateral relations with Turkey.

Meanwhile, Turkish officials stressed that the Russian-Turkish agreement is not subject to revision. As the head of the republic, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, noted, the receipt of the first air defense missile systems from Russia is expected in July.

"Turkey retains its identity"

Turkey, with its numerous statements, firmly shows that it does not intend to be led by Washington, said Vladimir Vasilyev, a researcher at the Institute of the USA and Canada, Russian Academy of Sciences.

“The US is afraid that this will create a domino principle and other countries will be interested in Russian supplies. For them, the fact that NATO buys Russian systems is very unpleasant. That is why the Pentagon moved to the pressure stage, ”the expert pointed out.

At the same time, according to him, Ankara has every reason to prefer the Russian systems to the American ones.

“They are attracted by several features. We sell these complexes without the principle of "two keys", that is, we simply deliver as a commercial product, and Turkey can dispose of them. Perhaps there is Erdogan’s strong desire to reduce dependence on the United States. This aspect seems to me to be the main one in this issue, ”said Vasilyev in an interview with RT.

In turn, Doctor of Law, HSE professor Alexander Domrin believes that currently reformatting of international relations is taking place, including within the framework of NATO.

“Turkey is a member of NATO. After the US, it has the largest army. At the same time, Ankara begins to play by its rules and builds relations with the Russian Federation. That is, these are relations in the Turkey-Russia-NATO triangle. It is not clear how long it will last. Turkey's position is very strong. They say that, in opposition to Washington, they are strengthening their own defense and are doing this thanks to Russia, not the United States, ”the source said.

  • US Patriot Missile System
  • Reuters
  • © Osman Orsal

He also added that holding five meetings in two months between the ministers of defense of the United States and Turkey testifies to the serious concern of the Americans.

“But it’s not the States or even Visahi Shanahan who will decide, but only President Erdogan. All his decisions are very important for Turkey now. Besides the fact that this is a message to Russians about the desire for cooperation, it is also a message to the Americans that Turkey retains its identity and will decide for itself what is more profitable for it, ”concluded the expert.