The Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) issued the Abu Dhabi Declaration at the end of the 46th session of the Council and praised the initiative of HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, to name 2019 years of tolerance in the UAE. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, to find common ground for calm between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India.

Foreign Ministers

HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation received a number of foreign ministers participating in the 46th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Member States, which concluded yesterday in Abu Dhabi. HH affirmed the UAE's keenness to enhance joint cooperation with their countries in all fields.

He pointed out that the 46th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC Member States, with its fruitful working sessions and discussions, opened up wider horizons for cooperation among the OIC Member States, thus contributing to enhancing their work and playing an important role for the maintenance of international peace and security.

The Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) issued the "Abu Dhabi Declaration" at the end of the 46th session of the Council yesterday, which was held for two days in Abu Dhabi.

The declaration emphasized the centrality of the Palestinian cause to the Arab and Islamic nations and the position of seeking a comprehensive and lasting solution and establishing an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab peace initiative.

Palestinian people

The Ministers of the Abu Dhabi Declaration condemned all Israeli violations against the Palestinian people and any actions by the Israeli occupying forces aimed at changing the character of East Jerusalem or its demographic structure or arbitrary steps that undermine international efforts to reach a two-state solution and achieve peace. Stressed the commitment to support UNRWA, calling on the international community to fulfill its obligations towards the Palestinian cause and Palestinian refugees.

"We call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to respond positively to the peaceful calls of the UAE to reach a peaceful solution to end Iran's occupation of the three islands of the UAE through dialogue and direct negotiations or by resorting to international arbitration," he said.

The Declaration reaffirms the support of the constitutional legitimacy in Yemen to restore security and stability to Yemen, and that the political solution is the only solution to the Yemeni crisis, based on the three agreed terms of reference, And Security Council resolution 2216. We confirm that the entry of the coalition forces into Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia, came at the official request of the legitimate government of Yemen and based on Security Council resolution 2216.

Houthi militias

The Abu Dhabi Declaration condemned all the violations carried out by the Huthi militias in Yemen and continued looting and obstruction of humanitarian and relief assistance to the Yemeni people. He also strongly condemned the continued intransigence and rejection of the peace-making militias in Yemen, namely, the imposition of obstacles, challenges and procrastination in implementing what was agreed upon In the consultations of Sweden, on 13 December 2018, and called on the international community and the relevant UN organs to assume their responsibilities towards exerting more pressure on the couriers to comply with the peace and implementation of the agreement of Sweden.

The Ministers affirmed the firm commitment to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and its stability and territorial integrity and the need to reach a political solution based on the participation of the Syrian parties to meet the aspirations of the Syrian people and in accordance with the Geneva resolutions and the resolutions and statements issued in this regard, ), And support the efforts of the United Nations in the Geneva meetings to reach a political settlement of the Syrian crisis.

The Abu Dhabi Declaration welcomed the efforts made to maintain regional peace and security in South Asia and praised the efforts made by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, to find a common ground for calm between the two leaderships. , In both the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India, are dominated by positive relations between the two neighbors in support of a halt to the escalation of the situation in South Asia.

The ministers praised the historic initiative of the UAE in holding the meeting of humanitarian brotherhood in Abu Dhabi, in which Sheikh Al-Azhar, the Grand Imam of the Grand Imam Dr. Ahmad Al-Tayeb, and Pope of the Catholic Church, His Holiness Pope Francis, signed the historic document on February 4, 2019. A joint declaration of good and sincere intentions in order to invite those who hold in their hearts a belief in God and a belief in human brotherhood to exist and work together in order to become a guide for future generations.

They also hailed the initiative of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, to name 2019 as the year of tolerance in the UAE. It was decided to dedicate March 11 each year as a day of tolerance in all OIC member countries, following the approach of the Prophet Muhammad In the pardon and forgiving of the polytheists on the day of the conquest of Mecca, he declared his tolerance and pardon a general law that applies in the relationship between Muslims and between them and among other followers of other religions.

In the Abu Dhabi Declaration, the Ministers noted the initiative of the United Arab Emirates to dedicate a day to volunteer work and consolidate it. On 19 Ramadan each year, the conference adopted a day to celebrate voluntary efforts in the Islamic world and to promote the concepts of volunteering, especially among young people.

Waqf fund to fund UNRWA

Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen, said that the foreign ministers of the OIC Member States have adopted the decision to establish a permanent fund to ensure the sustainable financing of UNRWA's activities and support for Palestinian refugees.

He added that the Waqf Fund represents a financial tool to support the Palestinian refugees under the umbrella of the Islamic Development Bank to raise money from countries and institutions, which will strengthen the financial situation of UNRWA and support its activities in the areas of humanitarian relief and development to improve the health and education burden of Palestinian refugees. .

The Declaration of March 11 every year is a day of tolerance in the countries of the "Islamic Cooperation".