CAIRO - Six suspects in a fire that followed the collision of a train tractor with steel bumpers at Cairo's central train station admitted Saturday that a quarrel had caused the accident, a judicial source in Egypt said.

The incident, which took place last Wednesday, killed 22 people and wounded about 40 others, some of them in serious condition, and the video clips broadcast from the incident on social networking sites and showed victims on the sidewalks in the station and fire completely Egypt, shocked the Egyptians , And Transport Minister Hisham Arafat resigned after the incident.

The source said that the defendants admitted that a quarrel that caused the incident took place in the session of the renewal of their detention, on Saturday, before the judge of the opposition of the Court of North Cairo Ali Medhat Abu Hussein, and ordered the judge to renew their detention for 15 days pending investigation.

According to judicial sources, the Public Prosecutor's Office ordered the six suspects, including the driver of the tractor, to be held for four days on investigation, according to judicial sources. The other five were the driver's assistant, a co-worker, another tractor driver and his assistant. .

The driver of the jars said in an interview with a television talk show that he had quarreled with another tractor driver when a light collision between the two tractors outside the station, and he was surprised by the train without him rushing to the station where the incident occurred.

The driver added that he believed he had pulled the brakes before getting off the tractor to scold his colleague, but was surprised that the brakes were not working.