Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi refuted the allegations made by one of its female students of Qatari nationality regarding the university administration's handling of the transfer between the university's headquarters in Paris and Abu Dhabi. The management of Sorbonne Abu Dhabi confirmed in this regard that the student's claims are unjustified and baseless.

The university attributed this to several reasons, including that with the beginning of the first semester of the academic year 2017-2018 the student wanted, not by the guidance of the university not to re-enter the first semester, and expressed her wish through the e-mail sent on July 8, 2017 in enrollment At the University in Paris, and at its request the University facilitated the transfer to the French capital.

She said that on September 25, 2017, the student contacted her by e-mail, expressing her desire to return to the university in Abu Dhabi, which she informed on 5 October 2017 that she would not be allowed to return to the university and inform us of her arrival time so that we could receive her at the airport. Reply in this regard.

"Based on a directive from the Ministry of Education regarding students cut off for non-academic reasons, all Qatari students registered and willing to register were contacted to find out if they wanted to return to study, and no response was received from any of them," the university added.

The university stressed its keenness on welcoming and embracing students from different countries, nationalities and ethnicities and providing them with the necessary support without distinction or differentiation, in line with the Sorbonne Abu Dhabi logo, as a bridge between civilizations. It seeks to provide an educational environment that helps to build the values ​​of communication and rapprochement between And to spread an atmosphere of friendliness, love and joy in the campus of its campus by providing the support required by its students and all its members.