The Syrian Democratic Forces (Qusd), backed by the United States of America, announced the liberation of six points in which the elements of the terrorist organization "Da'ash" were based in the town of Al-Bagouz in the countryside of Deir Al-Zour, east of Syria. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights 10 members of Daqash and four of Qusd were killed during the shelling and clashes at a violent pace.

The media office of the Syrian Democratic Forces said that the "Qusd" had penetrated into the last pocket of the "Da'ash" and that fierce fighting took place between the two sides. The director of the media office of Qusd Mustafa Bali predicted that the battle would end soon. The Syrian Democratic Party, Adnan Afrin, said that the elements of "Da'ash" responded to the attack with rockets and aircraft.

Kessad launched an offensive to seize control of the enclave in Baguoz, the evening before yesterday, to erase the last vestiges of the terrorist organization's control of the territory it had previously occupied.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 10 members of Daqsh and four Syrian Democratic Forces were killed during the shelling and clashes in Al-Bagouz farms. The clashes continued at a violent pace between Qusd and Daqash, By the aircraft of the International Alliance, amid the continued rocket fire also by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

According to Kurdish sources, the Syrian Democratic Forces managed to destroy a truck bomb driven by a suicide bomber before reaching its target. .

A number of Syrian Democratic forces were killed and wounded in a machine gun attack on the military relations building in al-Rigga, northeast of Syria, and a roadside bomb exploded near the village of Ghazil in the northern Rifqa countryside. Element and wounding two others.

Over the past few weeks, thousands of families from the villages and agricultural lands in Deir al-Zour have been released and their departure has been delayed by the latest attack, which began on Sunday night, with the last batch of civilians leaving.

Three days ago, Qusd announced that it would announce victory within a week, contradicting US President Donald Trump's statement that the forces had regained control over the entire territory under Daash's control.

There are about 2,000 US troops in Syria, whose main task is to support the Syrian Democratic forces in their fight against "Da'ash." Trump announced last December that all troops would be withdrawn, but the White House partially retracted that last month, saying about 400 troops would remain there. Over the past three months, about 40,000 people of different nationalities have left the land that was controlled by the Da'ash.

At least 84 people, two-thirds of them children, have been killed since December on their way to the al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria, which received thousands of displaced people after leaving Baguoz, the United Nations said.