The Yemeni Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen carried out a fifth landing operation yesterday to supply Hajour tribes with the Khashar administration in Hajjah province, including medical, food and military equipment. From Iran targeting the positions of the Yemeni forces involved in Hodeidah.

In Yemen, the Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy carried out a fifth landing yesterday to supply the Hajour tribes of the Khashar administration in Hajjah province, including medical, food and military equipment, to support and support the Hajour tribes in their battle against Iranian-backed Houthi militias.

On the other hand, the children of the tribes of Hajor continued their resistance to the attacks of the militias on the fronts of Kushar, and was able to repel attacks on them in the eastern and western fronts, and killed them and wounded, and arrived more than 20 bodies, and 15 wounded Huthis to hospitals Hajjah coming from Hajor.

The Houthi militias cut off all means of communication from the Hjour tribes in the district of Kushar, the day after the group suffered a major defeat on the eastern front, and the tribesmen managed to liberate the strategic mountain of Mansoura.

According to tribal sources, "the militias bombed heavily houses in the area of ​​Abaisa east of Kushar, which led to the death of a whole family of al-Hallaisi, consisting of three people, including a child».

For more than a month, the Houthi militias have sought to break into the Kachar administration. However, the resistance of the Hajour tribesmen in the Directorate and the support of the Alliance for Legitimacy Support have led to the failure of the militias' efforts and heavy losses on various fronts on the outskirts of the besieged administration.

For its part, the coalition fighters continued to bombard the positions of militias in the Directorate of Kushar, which destroyed three groups and groups of militias, in the strategic mountain of Samer, southeast of Abyssinia.

The militias were stationed yesterday in the strategic mountain of Samer, south of the mandate, whose military importance is due to the view of the abyss and the excuse and excuse.

A local source in the area said coalition fighters targeted a militia vehicle carrying munitions south of the Kushar administration. Another raid targeted a militia station on the outskirts of Aflah al-Sham. A third raid targeted a militia compound south of the district planning an attack on tribal sites.

In the meantime, clashes between the tribes and the Houthi militias continued in the Abyssa area after the tribes cleared a mountain chain in which the Houthi elements were holed up. The tribesmen also loaded several weapons and ammunition after the militias fled. The tribesmen found dozens of lymns and tapes used by them for sectarian incitement among their fighters.

In Saada, the Yemeni army forces, backed by the Arab alliance in the Razih axis, cleared the area of ​​Bani Mu'in after launching a surprise attack on the positions of militias in the region, leaving dead and wounded in their ranks, and led to the escape of their elements from the region on the impact of the strikes of the army and allied fighters.

In the center of Yemen, the differences between the elements of Houthi intensified, and the extent of the clash inside the mosques against the backdrop of the dispute over the distribution of funds and weapons and powers of influence among the supervisors in the directorates, which led to the death and injury of a number of their elements.

According to local sources in the Directorate of Mthaihra in Ibb, that the clashes Huthia - Huthiya in one of the mosques in the Directorate, led to the death of a Houthi element and wounding five others against the backdrop of the dispute over influence, and the Directorate of Jibla similar confrontations in one way left dead and wounded in their ranks.

In Taiz, the forces of the brigades of the Giants and supported by the Arab alliance aircraft, the Houthi militias suffered heavy losses in equipment and lives in the front of Al-Barah west of Taiz, according to field sources, noting that while the brigades of the Giants are engaged in fierce clashes with the militias Houthi north of the city of Al- Arab coalition aircraft launched air strikes and targeted Houthi reinforcements where heavy weapons were destroyed for militias including a tank. The sources said that the militias are receiving painful blows from coalition aircraft and the forces of the brigades of the Giants and the brigade of 20 infantry, and on a daily basis in the west of Taiz.

In Hodeidah, the Iranian militia bombed residential areas and houses of citizens in Al-Tahta district in Hodeidah province with artillery shells. Local sources said that the militias bombard residential areas and houses of citizens with mortar shells indiscriminately and mockingly. The source added that the continued bombardment by militias kills civilians and destroys civilians Their homes and displace them from their areas. Houthi shelling of residential areas and houses of citizens caused the deaths of hundreds of citizens and children, the most recent yesterday, the fall of five martyrs in the village of Nasser lower.

Al-Hodeidah witnessed a rapid escalation by the Huthis in the city through the intensification of the shelling of various weapons, the movement of groups across the seam lines, the intensification of sniper fire at the positions and the soldiers of the joint forces. A soldier was killed inside the city. , And resumed fire at the positions of the joint forces in the streets of Sana'a at successive intervals.