The US Department of Defense began to develop a new strategy for the conduct of hostilities, which consists in the simultaneous use of “fifth column” protests and strikes with high-precision weapons (WTO) on key enemy targets. The head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Valery Gerasimov told about this during a conference dedicated to the development of Russia's military strategy.

“The Pentagon has begun to develop a fundamentally new strategy of warfare, which has already been dubbed the“ Trojan Horse ”. Its essence lies in the active use of the protest potential of the “fifth column” in the interests of destabilizing the situation while simultaneously attacking the WTO on the most important objects, ”TASS quotes Gerasimov.

At the same time, the Chief of General Staff noted that the Russian Federation is ready to stop the use of this strategy. He said that in recent years, military scientists, together with the General Staff, have developed conceptual approaches to neutralize the aggressive actions of likely adversaries.

The Deputy Minister of Defense added that at the heart of the Russian response to such actions lies an active defense strategy, which provides for a set of measures to proactively neutralize threats to national security, taking into account the defensive nature of the Russian military doctrine.

“It is the justification of the measures being developed that should constitute the scientific activities of military scientists. This is one of the priority areas of state security. We must be ahead of the enemy in the development of military strategy, go one step ahead, ”Gerasimov said.

According to the head of the General Staff, now the United States and its allies are working on both scenarios of offensive military operations and the use of “soft power” technologies to destroy the statehood of countries they dislike.

“The United States and its allies have defined the aggressive vector of their foreign policy. They are working on offensive military actions, such as “global strike”, “multisphere battle”, using the technology of “color revolutions” and “soft power,” said Gerasimov.

“Their goal is the elimination of the statehood of unwanted countries, the undermining of sovereignty, the change of lawfully elected bodies of state power. So it was in Iraq, in Libya and in Ukraine. Currently, similar actions are observed in Venezuela ", - he added

Nothing new

According to the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems Vladimir Anokhin, in the described variant of waging a hybrid war two phases of influence on the enemy are considered. The first is to search for the protest electorate and its leaders, after which these forces should “sway” the situation in the country.

“These forces distract and weaken the leadership of the state, create a certain background, swing public opinion and imbalance social life, which affects the moral and psychological state of the armed forces. There is nothing new in such a strategy, ”the expert noted.

“With regard to technical equipment and strategies of suppression, we have developed operational plans that can currently crush any adversary as soon as possible.” Americans are already “scratching turnips” because they thought that in how many minutes they would get a crushing blow, ”added the interlocutor of RT.

In turn, the chief editor of the magazine “National Defense” Igor Korotchenko stated that the Russian Federation is ready to counter both military and hybrid threats from other states. He noted that reliable aerospace defense systems, including large (S-300, S-400 systems with the prospect of S-500 supplies in the foreseeable future), medium (Buk-M2 and Buk-M3 ") And short (" Tor-M2 ") range.

“A network of radar stations has been created, which is capable of detecting any targets, including subtle and stealth technology. Therefore, any attempts to secretly penetrate and strike with high-precision weapons will not succeed by definition, because the developed systems and systems reliably ensure the security of the country, ”said the expert.

At the same time, speaking of the activity of the “fifth column”, he noted the effective work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia, which would not allow anti-constitutional actions inside the country by those “who are supported by the United States and their Western satellites”

“So all these concepts are nothing more than wishes that will not be realized in practical terms. But in any case, we have the potential to oppose such situations, ”Korotchenko summed up.

“Any potential aggressor must understand that any form of pressure on Russia and its allies is hopeless. Our answer is not long in coming. For this purpose, modern weapons, including fundamentally new types of weapons, are being commissioned and deployed, ”Gerasimov stressed during his speech.

At the same time, the head of the General Staff again drew attention to the fact that the creation of new types of weapons should not and will not draw the Russian Federation into a senseless arms race. A sufficient to deter the likely enemy the number of new complexes will be created within the existing military budget.

Serious provocation

It is worth adding that the American strategy of the "Trojan Horse", which the United States could apply against Russia and China, was mentioned in one of the February articles of the Western press. Then the author of the German portal Telepolis compared with this ancient tactical method voiced by the Chief of the General Staff of the US Air Force David Goldfeynom considerations. True, then it was not a question of any subversive activity of the “fifth column”.

Speaking at the Brookings Institution, Goldfein spoke about a new strategy, the essence of which lies in covertly penetrating deep into enemy territory and striking its vulnerable spots. This strategy (the development of which the Pentagon expects to receive $ 135 billion) provides for the involvement of all types of troops in strikes, but the key role in such operations is given to F-35 fighters.

“If any China, or Russia, or another global adversary had a chance to see the F-35 in its airspace, I would gladly send them all of them in two words:“ We are here. ” Not “I'm here” - the F-35 will never fly alone. We are here ... We followed you. We know what is happening there, and we have already bypassed all the defense systems that you are sure you have, ”said Goldfein.

Such statements by the high-ranking military were skeptical in the expert environment. In particular, the military observer and the head of the military section of the Izborsk club, Vladislav Shurygin, stated that the strategy described by the general is based on the principle of splitting society, and we are now witnessing attempts to accomplish something similar in Venezuela.

“All hidden invasions are possible only in one case - when the internal situation in a particular country enters a state of crisis and society loses its internal solidity. So there is nothing new in the American plan, the strategy is banal and has been known for many years, ”said Shurygin.

In turn, military political analyst Andrei Koshkin on the air of Radio Sputnik noted that such statements are similar to a serious provocation and do not contribute to stabilizing the situation in the world.

"If this is actually a real strategic development, and they are conducted, then they are usually secret, and no one will speak publicly about them," Koshkin said.

At the same time, he expressed the opinion that now not a single country in the world, including the United States, is able to carry out an invasion of Russia, especially “large-scale and deep”.