On Sunday morning, November 25, three ships of the Naval Forces of Ukraine (Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yana Kapu), grossly violating international law, crossed the border of the Russian Federation in the Kerch Strait area. Despite repeated calls from the Russian security forces to leave the territorial waters of the Russian Federation, Ukrainian ships defiantly ignored legal requirements for several hours and made dangerous maneuvers.

In response, the Russian side was forced to use weapons and detain violators. It happened 20 km from the Russian coast and 50 km from the generally accepted place of passage of ships along the Kerch Strait. During the incident, three employees of the Ukrainian Navy were injured and were hospitalized. There is no threat to their lives. Ukrainian ships were detained.

The case for Rada

Russia in connection with the incident requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation initiated a criminal case under the article on illegal crossing of the state border. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the incident a provocation and a violation of key norms of international law.

In turn, the Ukrainian authorities declared “Russian aggression”. According to media reports, parts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the south of the country were alarmed, and law enforcement agencies were transferred to a special duty station. In Kiev, the radicals showered smoke bombs at the Russian Embassy. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko demanded that Russia release the detained military and return the violating ships to Kiev.

  • Small armored artillery boat "Nikopol" (left) and raid tug "Yany Kapu" of the Ukrainian Navy, detained by the Russian border guard service for violating the state border of Russia, in the port of Kerch
  • RIA News
  • © Alexey Malgavko

The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine voted to impose martial law in the country for a period of 60 days, starting on November 26, and Petro Poroshenko "put into effect" this decision. If approved by the Verkhovna Rada, this regime will allow official Kiev to freely carry out mobilization activities, impose labor duties, withdraw property from security forces, establish curfews, monitor communications and prohibit virtually any socio-political activity in Ukraine, including elections, organization rallies and party work.

The final decision on the introduction of martial law, according to Ukrainian legislation, should be made by the Verkhovna Rada. The parliamentary parties do not believe in the sincerity of Petro Poroshenko, but they say that they will have to vote for the imposition of martial law in order to avoid accusations of lack of patriotism.

“The situation was forced on purpose”

On the eve of the vote, representatives of the parliamentary parties expressed their opinion on the incident and the results of the Rada meeting in an interview with RT.

The entire operation of the passage of the ships of the Ukrainian Navy in the Kerch Strait raises many questions, a source in the Popular Front Party said in an interview with RT.

“Why were they sent there if the reaction of Russia was predictable? Perhaps the situation was deliberately injected? And most importantly - what's the point in martial law for 60 days? During this period, Ukraine will be able to create a new fleet and attack the Russian ships in the Sea of ​​Azov? This whole story raises more questions than answers, ”said the source.

“Before the voting in the Verkhovna Rada, our party will gather for a meeting and discuss the current events. But I think that the deputies will support martial law. This issue has become too politicized, hysterics reign in Ukrainian society, and everyone who opposes will become enemies of the people, ”he said.

According to the interlocutor RT, martial law may not enter the entire territory of the country, but only in some regions. But even this will provide President Poroshenko with many advantages: pressure on Western partners to strengthen sanctions against Russia and provide additional weapons, control over the work of the media and the Internet, the possibility of mobilizing and banning rallies and protests.

“Sorry for the Ukrainian sailors who played the role of" bait ", - he added.

According to a RT source in the Samopomich party, Ukraine’s western partners do not want to postpone the presidential elections scheduled for the end of March next year.

“The pro-presidential forces insist that the election of the head of state will be held on time. But the introduction of martial law will provide more powers to Petro Poroshenko and will allow all media outlets and journalists who criticize the work of the country's leadership to ban work. The IMF will provide assistance even in this situation, so no problems will arise, ”he said.

According to the RT interlocutor, the “Self-help” party will support the decision to impose martial law in the country.

The Petro Poroshenko Bloc, like the rest of the parties, will vote for the imposition of martial law, a source in the pro-presidential party said. According to him, this does not mean that Ukraine will start a war with Russia. However, this legal status gives extensive powers - "from the transfer of elections to control over the Internet and the transfer of personal property to the military."

“Restrictions will not be introduced all, now they are discussed. Ukraine sends a signal to the United States and hopes that President Donald Trump will introduce tough measures against Russia. For example, it initiates the question of disconnecting the Russian banking system from the SWIFT system and expanding the sanctions list, ”the source concluded.