As RT learned, representatives of the Ingush community in Tyumen are trying to figure out the fate of Magomed Medov, a relative of Timur Inalov, who owned a house on Amurskaya Street, in which the militants were destroyed. The man stopped communicating on the day of the counter-terrorist operation.

Missing relative

Timur Daurbekov, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Republic of Ingushetia in the Tyumen Region, told RT that Timur Inalov knew when he was a child.

“I saw him when he was little when he was nine or ten years old, when his father Salman was alive, with whom I was acquainted. Salman died six years ago, ”says Duarbekov.

According to Timur Daurbekov, after the death of his father, Inalov, the younger one remained in the city alone. All close relatives of Inalov lived in Ingushetia, in Tyumen there was only a distant relative Magomed Medov. He actually replaced Timur’s father, becoming a best friend and mentor. Together they worked at a service station - they repaired cars.

According to Daurbekov, those who knew Timur Inalov said that he did not go to the local mosque and was not fond of religion, he lived on the whole according to the “work-home-work” schedule.

Timur Inalov did not attend the central mosque of Tyumen, the main imam of the Tyumen region Zinnat Sadykov told RT. “If a person constantly goes to the mosque, we would know him. Our imams would know them. Here (1000 people go to the Tyumen Cathedral Mosque. - RT ). Common friends are not traceable, ”he said.

However, several months ago, relatives suspected that something was wrong - they accidentally discovered that Timur was looking for and distributing materials of a radical nature online, Daurbekov said.

Then, according to the representative of the community, Magomed’s cousin Ruslan Medov, also living in Tyumen, asked Magomed Medov to look after the young man more closely. However, on the KTO day, both Magomed and Timur Inalov stopped communicating.

“Magomed stopped communicating - his elderly mother could not reach him. Ruslan, at her request, went in search of a relative and went to Amurskaya, 118. He came to the house during the day (April 12. - RT ), rang the doorbell, but no one opened it. Later he returned there in the evening, but the area was already closed, ”said the source RT.

  • © Photo from the social networks of Magomed Medov

RT contacted Ruslan Magomedov through the social network. However, he refused to talk about the fate of relatives.

No evidence, only guesses

Timur Daurbekov told RT that in the near future he and representatives of the Ingush cultural center will meet with law enforcement officers to find out all the circumstances of the incident.

“So far we have not been able to receive any comments. We do not yet have official information, we have more questions than answers. Including how the operation went, how these people were involved. So far we have not received confirmation of our guesswork, ”he says.

RT previously reported that building 118 on Amurskaya Street in Tyumen, where supporters of the Islamic State * were destroyed on April 12 in the course of a counter-terrorist operation, were put up for sale a few days ago. The user under the name Timur Medov in the description indicated that the house is sold urgently.

The surname Medov Timur Inalov subscribed on social networks. According to neighbors, Timur is a calm and polite young man. In 2012, he tried to do business.

According to the database of legal entities "Kontur. Focus", in the house number 118 on Amur Street was registered LLC "Adept". This company existed for two years - from 2012 to 2014. The company’s director was Vitaly Rein, and the founders were Rafael Musayev and Timur Inalov.

In turn, according to local media, in 2015, Timur Inalov rewrote his house to close relatives of Magomed Medov. So, according to the documents, Fatima, Tanzil, Adam and Islam Medovy owned the house.

RT sent an appropriate request to Rosreestr to find out who is the real owner of household. However, I have not received an answer yet.

    "All this is a big surprise."

    About a thousand Ingush live in Tyumen, and they all maintain close ties with each other, Daurbekov said. The plenipotentiary representative of the republic and the local cultural center "Magas" is constantly working on the prevention and monitoring of radical views among fellow countrymen.

    The news that some of the Ingush were suspected of terrorism was a shock to Daurbekov and his colleagues.

    “Taking into account all sorts of threats, including religious ones, we conduct effective work in explaining difficult moments for young people to understand. We have here an imam who conducts both clarifications and Friday prayers. It was a big surprise for us that one young man was allegedly involved in illegal activities. Naturally, we ourselves think how this could happen, where the threat could come from. All our efforts are aimed at the fact that there would not happen to any of us here at all, ”explains Daurbekov.

    Recall that the CTO regime in Tyumen was introduced on the evening of April 12. Spetsnaz FSB stormed took a private house, which hid the militants. As a result of the special operation, both supporters of the IG were eliminated, there were no injuries and casualties among city residents or law enforcement officers.

    After the counter-terrorist operation in Tyumen, the Investigation Committee opened a criminal case.

    "The investigating authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Tyumen region initiated a criminal case on the grounds of crimes under Part 1 of Art. 30, 2 pp. “A”, “e”, “g” art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Preparation for the murder of two or more persons in a generally dangerous manner by a group of persons by prior agreement”) and Art. 317 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Infringement on the life of a law enforcement officer”), ”the agency’s website says.

    In the house where the terrorists were hiding, they found automatic rifles and explosive devices.

    “Two Kalashnikov assault rifles, two improvised explosive devices, religious literature, electronic information carriers, and elements of explosive devices were discovered and seized,” the Investigation Committee noted.

    * “Islamic State” (IG) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014.