The United States and Brazil called on Russia, China and Cuba to stop supporting the legitimate president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. This is stated in the statement of the United States Department of State following the meeting of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with his Brazilian counterpart Ernest Araujo.

"They also reaffirmed the need for external forces, including Cuba, Russia and China, to stop supporting Nicolas Maduro," the statement says.

It is emphasized that both the United States and Brazil will jointly "confront the political, economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela."

However, to end the political crisis in Venezuela, it is necessary for the United States to stop supporting the self-proclaimed President Juan Guaido, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council Sergey Tsekov is convinced.

“It is Pompeo who must be asked to stop protecting a person who illegally declared himself president of Venezuela (Juan Guaido. - RT ).” Then order will be restored there, ”he told RT.

The senator stressed that, acting against the legitimate leadership of other countries, the United States is causing civil wars in them.

“The United States, by overthrowing the legitimately elected leaders of states, plunges these countries into civil wars. Just look at Syria, Libya and Iraq. The activities of the United States cause great harm to the world community, - said Tsekov. “It was our support and firm position that led to a stabilization of the situation and an end to conflicts.”

Pompeo’s call for Russia to stop Maduro’s support sounds hypocritical, the first deputy chairman of the Duma defense committee, Alexander Sherin, is convinced.

“As a country that is only engaged in interfering in the internal affairs of other states, organizing and financing coups and not hiding it, trying to give some advice to Russia? .. The cynicism of American politicians leaves no room for any sensible reasoning. This statement can be designated only in two words: the top of hypocrisy, ”the deputy stressed in a conversation with RT.

“In accordance with an intergovernmental agreement”

At the same time on Saturday, April 13, Pompeo accused Russia of “intervening” in Venezuela. In his opinion, Moscow needed to coordinate the finding of Russian military specialists in the country with Guaido, and not official Caracas.

“Russia intervened. They went against the leadership of the state of Venezuela. They intervened without the right to do so. They do not have the consent of the people of Venezuela to be there, ”he said on the TV channel Mega TV.

Moscow has repeatedly noted that military experts are in Venezuela in accordance with international law and bilateral agreements between Moscow and Caracas. In particular, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, recalled that cooperation is regulated by the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Venezuela on military-technical cooperation, signed in May 2001. Moreover, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke about this during a telephone conversation with Pompeo.

“We explained what our servicemen are doing in Venezuela, providing the equipment that we supplied in accordance with an intergovernmental agreement ratified by the Venezuelan Parliament and absolutely compliant with the Venezuelan Constitution, on an absolutely legitimate and legal basis”, said the Minister on March 31.

"Pompeo goes to illegitimate means"

Mike Pompeo understands that the United States failed to change the power in Venezuela, and therefore he has to blame third countries, said expert of the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies Vladimir Bruter.

“Pompeo, having no legitimate means of changing the government in Venezuela, goes to illegitimate means, and has to blame everyone else for defending Maduro, although everyone should protect Maduro in this situation,” he said in a conversation with RT.

In an effort to resign Maduro, the United States is causing disruptions in Venezuela’s energy supply and imposing sanctions on it, the expert at the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Konstantin Blokhin said.

“They freeze foreign exchange reserves, implement cyber attacks, strike the power supply system. They will try to change power with someone else's hands ... they will try to achieve this at the expense of Colombia, maybe Brazil, ”he told RT.

At the same time, Brazil supports the course of the United States in relation to Venezuela to become the most significant force in South America, Gevorg Mirzayan, assistant professor of political science at the Financial University under the Russian government, said. In a conversation with RT, he also recalled that Brazilian President Zhair Bolsonar is a right-wing politician who strongly opposes Venezuela’s left-wing leadership.

“For him, all leftist regimes in Latin America, and especially Venezuelan, are enemies. That is why Brazil is so sharply opposed to the Maduro regime. Moreover, you need to understand that Brazil is a kind of self-proclaimed leader of South America. That is, it sets the tone, oversees the region. In this regard, it cannot tolerate any regimes hostile to its ideology on its territory, ”the expert concluded.