The United States struck with the use of phosphorus incendiary ammunition in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor. This was stated by the head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in the SAR, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Savchenko. He noted that the attack was carried out by two fighter-bomber F-15 US Air Force.

"In the province of Deir ez-Zor on September 8, 2018, two F-15 aircraft of American aviation hit the settlement of Hadjin with the use of phosphorus incendiary munitions. As a result of the blows, strong fires were observed. Data on victims and victims are being specified, "he said.

Savchenko stressed that the use of weapons with white phosphorus is prohibited by an additional protocol to the 1949 Geneva Convention.

Earlier, the United States was already accused of using this type of ammunition. Thus, in June, Human Rights Watch (HRW) criticized the US-led coalition for the use of phosphorus in the course of military operations against the terrorist group "Islamic State" * in Syria and Iraq.

In August 2017, the deputy chairman of the Syrian Red Crescent, Dina al-Assaad, said that the US-led coalition struck a blow with white phosphorus rockets at the hospital in Rakka.

The American command did not deny the use of these munitions. In the US-led coalition, it was noted that ammunition was used "in accordance with the laws of war for camouflage, blackout and targeting."

"The West is ready to support terrorists"

Also, the Defense Ministry announced the violation of the ceasefire by illegal armed formations operating in the Idliba de-escalation zone. Savchenko noted that the number of shelling that the militants are conducting is growing.

"During the day, shelling of the settlements Ikko, Kinsibba, Bshafra of Latakia province, Khara districts (three times), Tarik-Nasra, Baragiti, Makanis-Ed Duvairi, El Vasita, the south-western outskirts of Aleppo, Salhab (10 times), Scalbia (twice), Maharda, Zor-Makhrukh, Abu-Dali of the province of Khama, "said the lieutenant-general.

The province of Idlib remains the last major bulwark of terrorist organizations in Syria. According to the UN, there are about 10,000 fighters in Idlib, "Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham" ** and "Al-Qaeda" ***. Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of Russia warned that in provinces militants are preparing a provocation using chemical weapons.

According to the agency, in the region there are already militants trained in handling toxic substances by British PMC and "White Helmets" specialists, who will remove the consequences of allegedly chemical attack of government troops on Idlibu.

"A special command from some" foreign friends of the Syrian revolution "will become a signal for the beginning of realization by terrorists of the practical phase of provocation in Idlib province," Igor Konashenkov, the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, noted.

After the staging, the countries of the western coalition will be accused by Damascus of a chemical attack against their own population and will launch rocket strikes against Syrian government facilities, the ministry said. To this end, according to the Ministry of Defense, a USS Sullivans missile destroyer with 56 air-to-ground cruise missiles and an American B-1B American bomber with 24 air-to-ground missiles have already arrived in the Persian Gulf.

According to the military department, the blow will weaken the positions of the Syrian government army, after which several thousand militants with heavy weapons and armored vehicles, already concentrated in Idlib, will advance to the position of the SAR.

At the same time, a group of militants planned to capture the Syrian city of Palmyra. So, according to the information received from the captive terrorist, several hundred members of the gang formed in the area of ​​the US military base in El Tanf, trained and armed with US military, intended to break through and capture the city.

"Thus, the West is ready to once again support terrorists and, in violation of all norms of international law, commit an act of aggression against a sovereign state, which will inevitably cause another sharp deterioration of the situation in the Middle East region and the disruption of the process of peaceful settlement of the Syrian conflict," noted Major General Alexei Tsygankov.

* "Islamic State" (IG) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.

** "Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham" ("Jabhat Fatah ash-Sham", "Front an Nusra", "Jabhat an Nusra") - the organization is recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.

** "Al Qaeda" - the organization is recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 14.02.2003.