Acting head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pusilin, chairman of the People's Council of the People's Republic of France, was appointed. The parliamentarians voted for the adoption of this decision by an overwhelming majority of votes.

In the course of the plenary session in Donetsk, the People's Council of the People's Democratic Republic of Moldova adopted a resolution on the early termination of the powers of the head of the People's Democratic Republic of Belarus, Alexander Zakharchenko, in connection with his death, after which the head of the republic was elected Denis Pushilin.

The deputies also decided to schedule early parliamentary and national elections for November 11, 2018.

In addition, in accordance with the current legislation, the heads of all the ministries of the Donetsk People's Republic passed into the status of acting duties.

Following the meeting of the interim head of the republic, Denis Pusilin outlined the vector of the further development of the People's Republic of China, noting that the authorities intend to preserve the political course chosen by Alexander Zakharchenko.

"I would like to thank the deputies who allowed today to keep the norms of the Constitution by their vote. And this, in turn, allows us to support and continue the course of Alexander Vladimirovich and, of course, make every effort to ensure that all the dreams and tasks defined by him were realized. I want to make the residents of Donbass happy, "- said Pushilin.

Let us note that the task of appointing the head of the People's Democratic Republic was assigned to the People's Council by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic. In the letter addressed to the Parliament. Prosecutor General Andrei Spivak explained that the appointment of the head of the Democratic People's Party of Russia, Dmitry Trapeznikov, after the death of Alexander Zakharchenko, contradicts the Constitution of the Republic.

According to the law, in the event of early termination of the powers of the head of the NDP for one reason or another, the first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers should be his vice, however, as the military correspondent Sergei Belous told RT, who attended the meeting of the People's Council of the People's Republic of France, there was simply no such position in Zakharchenko's government.

"The deputies had to solve one of the legal conflicts that had developed in the republic. According to the Constitution, with the premature departure of the head or his death, the first deputy prime minister must be present. The deceased Alexander Zakharchenko signed decrees on the appointment of three vice-premiers, but none of them was the first by law, "Belous said.

In connection with the situation, the General Prosecutor's Office of the People's Democratic Republic called the People's Council the only legitimate authority and entrusted it with the duties of appointing the head of the People's Democratic Republic, forming the Council of Ministers and the Central Election Commission, and creating all conditions for holding early elections.

According to the interlocutor RT, the meeting of the People's Council was held with a full quorum (98 deputies) and most of the decisions were adopted unanimously. However, in the voting for the appointment of Denis Pushilin, the heads of the People's Democratic Republic of Belarus several times abstained.

Belous added that according to reports, Pushilin, the leader of the party "Novorossia" Pavel Gubarev and the former secretary of the Security Council of the People's Democratic Republic of Belarus Alexander Khodakovsky are going to participate in the upcoming elections of the head of the republic. The appearance of other candidates is also expected.

In addition, according to insider information, a significant part of the acting ministers after the elections will most likely retain their status, however, the minister of revenues and charges, Alexander Timofeev, is likely to leave his post.

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"To preserve security and tranquility in the republic"

It was absolutely legitimate to say that the decisions taken by the acting legislature at the Friday session of the parliament. Minister of Justice of the Republic of Belarus Elena Radomskaya.

"Today a very important decision for the republic and the people was adopted at the meeting - Denis Pusilin was appointed head of the People's Democratic Republic of France. All this was done absolutely legally and constitutionally, and, accordingly, made for the benefit of the inhabitants of the People's Republic of Germany, "Radomskaya said.

The decision of the People's Council on the appointment of the head of the republic Denis Pushilin was supported by the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of the Interior of the People's Republic of France. The law enforcement agencies noted that they continue to work in a strengthened regime and are ready to repel all possible threats.

In turn, acting. Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic Sergey Naumets stated that the authorities will implement the decisions taken by the parliament. He noted that all the representatives of the executive authorities are fully able to cope with the duties assigned to them.

"I think that the decision taken today is legitimate. I agree with him entirely. The decision was made to unite all forces in a united front and preserve security and tranquility in the republic, "said Andrei Borisov, the deputy of the People's Council and commander of the battalion of the special forces of the republic, (the call sign" Chechen ").

He added that the assassination of Alexander Zakharchenko will not affect the combat capability of the army of the People's Democratic Republic. At the same time, deputy head of the operational command of the Democratic Party Eduard Bazurin said that the Armed Forces continue to concentrate forces on the south. During the briefing, he said that, according to intelligence received, units of reactive, barrel and self-propelled artillery were being pulled into the area of ​​the settlement of Velikaya Novoselka.

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"Provocations will be quite a lot"

President of the Center for Strategic Communications Dmitry Abzalov told RT that initially elections in the Donbass republics were planned to be postponed to a later time, however, the murder of Zakharchenko seriously aggravated the situation.

"The implementation of the Minsk agreements was very much hampered, and there was a hope that after the end of the presidential election campaign in March 2019, there will be some progress in Ukraine. But, as practice has shown, on the contrary, on the eve of this event the situation worsens, "the expert said.

RT interlocutor noted that at the moment there is a formation of full-fledged armed groups of the Armed Forces in the direction of Mariupol and diverting groups in the direction of Donetsk. Abzalov linked the escalation of the situation with several foreign policy factors, including the aggravation of relations between Moscow and London, the tense situation in Syrian Idlib and even the forthcoming midterm elections in the United States in November.

"Against the backdrop of all of the above, the window until November is very, very dangerous from the point of view of possible provocations. So far, a full-fledged military offensive is very unlikely in view of the fact that it will be difficult enough to do. But projects such as the cut-off of the Dnieper from the sea coast and the passage to the borders, for example, along the so-called southern corridor - this type of provocation is quite possible, "Abzalov said.

He added that the Ukrainian side, most likely, will fire on the territory of the People's Republic of China, trying to provoke a retaliatory fire. At the same time, the expert linked this not so much with the elections in the republic, but rather with the internal political situation in Ukraine and the global conjuncture.

"Poroshenko will play out the role of a sufficiently strong radical, and against this background a provocation in the Donetsk direction can be very promising," the expert stated.

The political scientist noted that against the backdrop of Kiev's non-recognition of the elections in the Donetsk republics, the Ukrainian authorities can intensify provocative attacks directly during the election campaign in order to discredit the positions of the authorities of the NDP.

"Even if there are election campaigns, it will be necessary to minimize the turnout, to show that several thousands have come out" at gunpoints. " For this, it is necessary to carry out some military operations. By this time, it is necessary to work out an information field. Most likely, Kiev will do it, "Abzalov said.

At the same time, he added that in the medium term the situation may somewhat stabilize, but until November, "there will be a lot of provocations".