Tatjana Kuwschinnikowa, a passionate swimmer, loves to wear a swimsuit on the internet. Until recently, she worked in Siberian Barnaul as a Russian teacher. But when parents complained about a photo, she was summoned by the director of her school, says Kuwschinnikowa.

According to local media reports, the photo of the 38-year-old was taken in a short dress and high heels during a sporting event. Kuwschinnikowa published it on a Russian Internet portal. Her supervisor compared her behavior with that of a "prostitute" and accused her of encouraging pedophilia, Kuvchinnikova said. They were urged to quit.

What the school probably did not expect: Since the announcement of the case a few days ago protest numerous Russians in social media against the apparently forced termination. Under the motto "Teachers are also people" they express their support.

"This is bullying, the eternal debate about whether a teacher needs to be a good person has crossed all boundaries," wrote a user on Instagram. She claims to be a teacher in Kazan in the Tatarstan region and shows her tattoos in public. "We have the right to a private life, to bathing suits, piercings and tattoos."

The woman posted - as well as several other Russians - out of solidarity a picture of herself in a bathing suit:

Check out this post on Instagram

Диплом педагога даёт мне право встать на защиту учителя Татьяны Кувшинниковой из Барнаула. Я сама мама двоих детей. И я, и мои дети любим отдыхать, купаться и иногда даже фотографируемся. У каждого из нас есть права и свободы, которые предусмотрены не только Конституцией, но и правом от природы. Право на личную жизнь. Как и Татьяна Кувшинникова. Фото в купальнике стало настолько пошлым? Господа родители, очнитесь! Что движет такими яжематерями, которые интересуются не успехами своих детей, а тем, чем живет учитель? Заняться нечем? Так займитесь собой! Право слово)) # учительтожечеловек # учителятожелюди

A post shared by Пронина Елена (@elenarf_nail) on Mar 30, 2019 at 7:01 PDT

As a teacher she has the right to speak for Tatyana Kuwschinnikowa, writes another user. "I am a mother of two and we love to relax, swim and sometimes take pictures."

How teachers would have to dress, if the school would determine their outfits, was the subject of this jesting post:

Check out this post on Instagram

Педагоги поддержали учительницу Татьяну Кувшинникову из Барнаула, которую вынудили уволиться за якобы откровенное фото в платье. Педагоги запустили хэштег # учителятожелюди. На фото: образцовый учитель на отдыхе, который порадует каждого родителя, следящего за моральным обликом педагогов. # барнаул

A post shared by Афиша Барнаула (@go_barnaul) on Mar 29, 2019 at 7:17 PDT

In the face of the debate Kuwschinnikova's old employer apparently offered her to reinstate her - but the 38-year-old declined. The Minister of Education of the Altai region in Siberia, Maxim Kostenko, said that he offered Kuwschinnikowa another job: to teach teachers about "safe use" of social networks.