The US constitution does not guarantee death row killers a "painless death." The Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of the United States, has ruled by five votes to four. Thus, the conservative judges overruled their liberal colleagues.

The ruling paved the way for the execution of convicted killer Russell Bucklew. The lawyers of the 50-year-old had argued that the lethal injection with him due to a rare illness may possibly lead to severe pain. That violates the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

The man suffers from vascular tumors on the head, neck and throat, which could break through the poison injection. He would then possibly choke on his own blood. Bucklew did not want to go against the death sentence, but only against the method of execution.

Executions since 1976

He had suggested being killed by inhaling gas. However, Missouri described the claim as "vague and unchecked". The method has never been used in the state. As a result, Bucklew could not prove that she "significantly reduces the risk of pain during execution," CNN reported.

Bucklew had killed his ex-girlfriend's partner in 1996 and raped the woman.