Almost 50 years after a series of murders in Los Angeles, a former supporter of cult leader Charles Manson could be released from prison. A California County Probation Commission recommended the release of 69-year-old Leslie Van Houten on Wednesday. Since 2016, the committee has spoken out in favor of her release for the third time.

Twice the then California Governor Jerry Brown blocked this step. Now Brown's successor, Gavin Newsom, has to make a decision after several months of reviewing the application, the Los Angeles Times reported. The particular gravity of the crime alone could be the basis for a rejection, Brown wrote last year in his justification.

Van Houten is described by her lawyers as a model inmate who helps the inmates. She has repeatedly blamed her for the crime and deplored the deeds. Manson died in prison in November 2017 at the age of 83.

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The "Manson Family" had murdered seven people in August 1969 on behalf of the cult leader. The most spectacular act was the killing of the highly pregnant actress and wife of director Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate. This was not involved in the then 19 -year-old Van Houten, but on the murder of businessman Leno LaBianca and his wife.

At the beginning of January, a probation commission in California had already spoken out in favor of the pardon of Manson supporter Robert Beausoleil. He had previously made a mercy request 18 times without success.