Recently, Lin Junjie's dance clip at the concert was spoofed by netizens, which sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Lin Junjie's response, as well as the question of the degree of "second creation", whether spoofs should also have a bottom line, and other topics, have also set off waves of controversy and discussion.

The industry believes that "secondary creation" is allowed, but it is not allowed to spoof without a bottom line, and the bottom line of morality and law must not be crossed while entertaining. Relevant short video platforms should also take the responsibility of supervision, abandon bad customs, and promote positive and positive works, so as to create a positive, healthy and uplifting online environment.

Netizens spoofed concert dance

Lin Junjie responded: It's not funny and disrespectful

Netizens spoofed Lin Junjie's dance when he performed "Immortal Body" at his concert, and paired it with background music such as "Red Sorghum Model Team" and "Heroic Song", which gained a lot of traffic and attention. Even singer Hu Xia posted a video of dancing on Douyin, which was soon deleted.

Subsequently, Lin Junjie posted a few words in English on social platforms and responded suspiciously: "If you just want to get happiness by adding strange music to the performance clip, please don't come to my concert next time." And said that it was not funny and disrespectful.

For such a spoof and Lin Junjie's response, netizens also launched a heated discussion, some people think that this kind of "spoof" is just a kind of entertainment, and the star gets traffic while being "played", so there is no need to be serious.

"Although it's disrespectful to Lin, it's really funny, I don't think there's any sense of disobedience, and it's not particularly excessive, this kind of response is disliked";

"I don't think netizens are laughing at his dance, it's just plain funny, just like the original scumbag, Lin Junjie can't measure it this time";

"Although, it may be because his dance rhythm is simple, and the adaptation rate is so high";

"It's okay, I think it's funny, you make money and feel wronged, you can not come next time. What is Art? Teacher Zhao Lirong's classic lines and your dance are used to make the general public laugh, this is the art of down-to-earth. ”

Some netizens also believe that the meme should be moderate, not cross the boundaries of morality and law, and all celebrities have the right to refuse the offense of spoofing.

"It's really not funny, it's bad taste";

"It's really too much for a serious stage to be spoofed";

"Respect the music, respect the stage, and the premise of joking is that both parties find it interesting";

"I know that everyone has no malicious intentions, but let's respect the performers Lao Lin is very serious about music, this joke is not funny."

Some netizens analyzed the incident and Lin Junjie responded so righteously and strictly, the reason is that this song is written by his mentor Mr. Lin Qiuli, who just passed away at the end of last year. Moreover, the high popularity of the stalk has affected the concert, and the audience will laugh every time this track is performed, which seriously affects the stage effect. Lin Junjie is not "can't afford to make jokes", there are many stalks of "Guo Donglin, bangs, romantic Guangxi" that have been circulating on the Internet before, and Lin Junjie himself will play, but this "joke" involves the music and stage that he has always taken seriously, so he responded.

Celebrities are "spoofed" into the norm

Industry: Malicious attacks should be defended

In fact, it has become a norm for celebrities to be "spoofed". Jacky Cheung's emoji was widely spread on the Internet by P into a "panda head", Cai Xukun was played with countless malicious spoof videos, and Ge You's "Ge You paralysis" emoji once became a topic of public conversation.

In the face of spoofs on the Internet, celebrities have adopted different attitudes. Jacky Cheung publicly said that everyone is welcome to use their own emojis and imitate them at the concert. Cai Xukun sent a lawyer's letter to the producer of the spoof video, but was attacked by netizens more strongly in spoofing, and finally took the initiative to ridicule it on the show.

Celebrities, as public figures, have made some concessions compared to ordinary people. In many cases, if the content being "spoofed" is harmless, or does not involve financial interests, then for the artist, of course, "more is better than less", or if you feel that it will help publicity, then it is reasonable not to respond in any way.

Wang Juan, an agent who has brought many artists to a well-known brokerage company, said in an interview with a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily that the team generally does not choose to create a spoofed character for the artist, and it is not a "conspiracy theory" planned by the star team itself as netizens imagined. In their opinion, in most cases, playing memes, ridiculing and even spoofing are spontaneous among netizens, and it happens that the popularity is very high, and both companies and artists have seen it, if it is harmless, they will not take action, and may even cooperate to make some upgrades.

"If it's really funny and not insulting, we're willing to escalate the heat, but if it rises to a malicious attack, and the artist himself feels hurt, we're going to start defending our rights."

On the other hand, some artists may indeed not have so much energy to deal with similar problems, but choosing to forbear does not mean that they do not have the ability to defend their rights by legal means.

As early as 2021, Lin Junjie took an up master who spoofed himself to court, and all the videos involved have been deleted. It is reported that the up master (uploader) has changed Lin Junjie's face to other people many times to make videos, such as Lin Junjie's version of "Huanzhu Gege". Therefore, Lin Junjie filed a public apology and compensation of 27,5 yuan.

Ge You has also sued related companies and accounts to court for infringement of portrait rights, and in the cases involved, Ge You won 99.6% of the cases. Zhang Yixing also successfully "sued" not long ago, and the account involved was convicted of insult.

The spoof lowers the image of the artist, but the victims are ordinary people

But on the other hand, rights protection seems to have attracted stronger resistance from netizens, and it seems that celebrities should accept this kind of incident calmly. Netizens are disgusted with tough public relations, but they ignore the bottom line of morality and law.

In an interview with a reporter from Beiqing Daily, the well-known music critic Guo Zhikai said that as far as Lin Junjie's spoof incident is concerned, every dance move in the concert has been carefully choreographed and used in conjunction with his songs, but now after this spoof, in addition to making people feel vulgar, it also lowers the image of the artist himself. "Secondary creation" can be allowed, but it cannot be spoofed without a bottom line.

Guo Zhikai analyzed that in this matter, the platform should bear a lot of responsibility, and there are huge economic interests hidden behind it, that is, in order to pursue click-through rates and traffic, it connives vulgarity and spoofs without a bottom line. Some of the artists who were spoofed chose to be patient and not respond; Some choose to face up to and use the weapon of the law to defend their rights.

Guo Zhikai believes that most of the time, the spoof and the spoofed may be unscathed or even benefit from it, but the victims are ordinary people.

"If an adult sees a similar video and feels vulgar at first glance, it can be avoided, but if it is a minor or even younger children who see it, they will take the spoof as the truth, because they have no ability to discriminate, and even the children's physical and mental health will be harmed."

Therefore, platforms should take the responsibility of supervision, abandon vulgarity, and promote positive and positive works, so as to create a positive, healthy and progressive online environment.

Don't cross the bottom line of morality and law, and bravely take up the weapon of the law

Nowadays, the secondary processing of public works or performance clips to obtain humorous or satirical effects has become an important "netizen self-made culture" on the Internet. Not only celebrities, but also many film and television dramas have been spoofed, but the boundaries of this kind of creation have always been in a blurred area. Some malicious second-creation videos not only ignore the feelings of others, but also "kill" long videos to a certain extent.

On the Internet, where is the boundary between secondary videos and jokes? With the rise of the short video sinking market, there are also many celebrities who have gained good traffic because of meme videos. Cherry, who once served as the agent of a well-known singer, said in an interview with a reporter from Beiqing Daily that artists should have the right to say "no" at the very least. "A joke is a joke when both parties find it funny, everyone feels that the bottom line of being offended is different, not that we are not allowed to play stalks on the Internet from now on, but to let the artist also have the right to say that he doesn't like it, we don't want to 'break the defense' as soon as we see the artist's refusal, and the artist's exercise of his right to express his feelings does not mean that he has to fight for something from netizens, although the Internet has its particularity, but we should not forget the most basic politeness between people."

And if the "meme" has broken through the boundary and become a malicious attack, the law is the best weapon.

Liu Lifei, a lawyer from Beijing Gaowo Law Firm, analyzed in an interview with a reporter from Beijing Qingdao Daily that taking Lin Junjie's concert video being spoofed as an example, Lin Junjie's portrait rights and reputation rights have been infringed. In addition, the dances and songs performed by Lin Junjie at the concert existed as an overall artistic creation, but the spoof video removed the songs, and the overall song and dance works were changed beyond recognition, which also involved malicious infringement of the copyright of the work.

Lawyer Liu Lifei suggested that when an artist encounters a similar infringement situation, he has the right to request the infringer to stop the infringement and request the video platform to remove the infringing video from the shelves. It is also possible to directly use legal means to protect rights, file a civil lawsuit, require the infringer to stop the infringement, apologize to the infringed party, and have the right to require the infringer to pay a certain amount of economic compensation according to the circumstances; At the same time, if the video playback platform is at fault, such as failing to pay due attention to and review the relevant infringing video, or failing to remove the infringing video from the shelves in a timely manner after being notified by the infringed party, it shall also bear the liability for infringement.

Text/Reporter Shou Penghuan Intern Wang Jiayi (Beijing Youth Daily)