Palestinian child "martyr" Awni sent a message to former US President Obama (Al Jazeera)

Mr. President Barack Obama. Let me introduce myself first, my name is Awni Al-Doss, I am a Palestinian child from Gaza, I was 13 years old. Yes, it was.

I recently tried to listen to your speech on democracy, rights and freedoms during the democracy forum organized by the foundation that bears your name, but I could not hear your words, because I was under the rubble listening to the groans and screams of my friends and neighbors, children and women, whose homes were demolished by Israel with American rockets and bombs.

I said to myself, as long as I cannot hear him because of the terrifying sounds of the explosions of American missiles and missiles, and because of the terrifying sounds of the collapse of residential complexes, and the endless screams of children and women from the victims, let me talk to him, as he lives in his country - America - safe and reassuring, and he may listen to my words quietly, because he is far from the sounds of explosions.

I had ambitions to become a world that benefited the besieged Gaza Strip, my country Palestine, and all of humanity.

Mr. President

I was 13 years old, and my dream was to have 100,500 subscribers to my YouTube channel, or maybe 10,<>, or <> million, or more. It was a sky-sized dream!

They say that the landmarks of Naboughi began to appear in the Al-Nakhal Primary School, where I was studying in Gaza, which in February 2020 published a special congratulations to me after my excellence in what she said was creativity in making a battery to charge the mobile!

I had ambitions to become a world that benefited the besieged Gaza Strip, my country Palestine, and all of humanity.

By the way, it was the dreams of many of my Palestinian child friends who were not prevented from thinking about the good of humanity.

Yes, Mr. President, we have been living under siege since 2007, with the blessing of the United States and the countries of the world that describes itself as free, and it is not our fault except that we want our country to be liberated from occupation.

You also in America fought against the British occupation, which kept describing your heroes in the most vile terms, killing them, and torturing them, but you continued to fight until you were liberated. Today, you still celebrate Independence Day, revering your heroes and your freemen.

But Israel bombed it under the pretext that it included terrorists, and when its soldiers stormed the Shifa Medical Complex, for example, they only found the names of the week written in Arabic.

Mr. President

Did you know that the Israeli occupation army destroyed my beautiful school, where I spent the most beautiful years of my short life?

No doubt you still remember your elementary school, I don't think you forget it, and I think you would be sad to see it destroyed with dozens of children and teachers inside.

Yes, Mr. Obama, Israel destroyed my school, all Gaza schools, mosques, and churches, and did not even spare hospitals from the bombing, and inside them tens of thousands of sick and displaced people who sought refuge in them fleeing their lives for fear of being killed, and they thought that the occupation army would not bomb them with American missiles.

Moreover, they thought that the United States and the free world would prevent Israel from bombing schools and hospitals!

Have you seen how good we are and think well of you?

But Israel bombed it under the pretext that it included terrorists, and when its soldiers stormed the Shifa Medical Complex, for example, they only found the names of the week written in Arabic, and told CNN – which was the only media outlet they allowed in – that it was the names of the terrorists and their terrorist plans!

I laughed a lot under the rubble of those comedy scenes.

The smell of death is everywhere, and whoever becomes or is alive today is preparing to die tomorrow because he knows that American missiles are "very smart," and they do not miss their target, if not today, then tomorrow.

Mr. President

Did you know that mothers in Gaza write the names of their children on their hands and feet so that rescue crews working with primitive means can identify the owners of the remains, collect them together in one bag and bury them together?

Yes, this child's hands were buried with the legs of that relative, with that child's head, and with the ears, eyes and fingers of those neighbors who lived there. Don't believe me? Ask your country's intelligence.

Did Mr. Obama see the video of that child who identified her mother through her hair and collapsed with screams and tears afterwards?

Have you seen the video of that seven-year-old girl rescued from the rubble and looking collapsed and screaming at her rescuers who were cleaning her face from the dust of the demolished building that she would only leave with her brothers, mother and father?

Did you see the body of that child and find her hugging her and addressing her, saying that she is the soul of the soul? This grieving grandfather returned to the rubble of the demolished house looking for anything to remind him of his beloved granddaughter who always manipulated him and pulled him by his beard, so he took the initiative to grab her by the hair and not let her even withdraw her hand, and swim in a sea of luminous laughter between grandfather and granddaughter?

The videos of the bodies and body parts of children are too numerous to count, Mr. President, Israel has killed thousands of us. They say the death toll of children has exceeded 7,10 so far, and may exceed <>,<> soon, or we may all be exterminated. Your rockets continue to reach Israel, and Israel continues to annihilate us with your permission and under your eyes, and your silence.

Did you know Mr. Obama that people collect body parts of dead people from rooftops and cars and then bury them in mass graves under the eyes of the world? Did you know that entire families were removed from the civil registry after Israel exterminated them with American weapons funded by the American taxpayer who knows nothing about us?

The smell of death is everywhere, and whoever becomes or is alive today is preparing to die tomorrow because he knows that American missiles are "very smart," and they do not miss their target, if not today, then tomorrow.

Even those who report the war of our extermination – journalists and activists on social media – meet the same fate, they were publishing the news and the picture today, and then they will be the news and the picture tomorrow! Israel has so far killed dozens of journalists, and I hope you will believe me and the bodies inside the graves and under the rubble, and not your Foreign Ministry, which said that it is not sure that Israel is targeting journalists. I laughed again under the rubble!

In short, we are annihilated, with your missiles and weapons, with your money, and you all want us to be killed in silence.

I am happy to tell you that the number of subscribers to my YouTube channel has reached 1.43 million subscribers as of this writing, while the number of subscribers to my Instagram channel has reached 93.3 thousand, and they were only a few dozen before the seventh of October

President Barack Obama

The details are too numerous to count, and I don't want to dwell on you, as you are no doubt busy preparing your next book on democracy and freedoms, or preparing your lecture on human rights.

So I stop here, hoping that you will be happy with your wonderful daughters Sasha and Malia, and see them always in good health as they achieve their dreams.

I forgot to tell you, Mr. President, that I am now addressing you from heaven, following what is happening, and receiving delegations of the souls of oppressed children coming from Gaza, where we will all wait for the Day of Resurrection to take our rights from those who unjustly killed us, Israel killed me with your missiles, and stopped my age in 13 years.

By the way, I am happy to tell you that the number of subscribers to my YouTube channel has reached 1.43 million subscribers at this writing, while the number of subscribers to my Instagram channel has reached 93.3 thousand, and they were only a few dozen before the seventh of October. Although neither I nor my family will benefit from the revenues of the two channels because Israel killed us with your rockets, I am very happy that people love me even after I was killed.

Now that you've read my words, if you want to see my picture, just log in to my YouTube account, but please, don't press either the subscribe button, nor the bell icon, because I'm still afraid of the moment an American official presses the button.