US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Sahib said: "We have not seen any evidence that Israel is deliberately killing civilians in Gaza (Reuters)

The United States of America continues its resounding moral fall, in full and comprehensive support and partnership for the Zionist entity in its barbaric aggression against the Gaza Strip.

The "American empire" is tearing itself apart the mask of leadership and leadership of the so-called "free world", revealing its abstraction of "the values of humanity, civility, and civility" that refuse to kill, besieg, starve, genocide and displacement civilians.

Therefore, it was not surprising that the US State Department claimed in a statement (Monday) that it "saw no evidence that Israel deliberately killed civilians during its war on the Gaza Strip."

The statement of the US State Department was preceded by a statement by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who said: "His country will not allow Hamas to triumph over Israel." Secretary Austin, the statement of the US State Department, and before them, the US administration with all its components, are walking on the same path; blindly supporting the Zionist entity, justifying its brutal crimes, and protecting it from accountability.

Sowing hatred

It is as if the "American administration" does not see this "huge number of American-made shells, incendiary bombs, and perhaps internationally forbidden, dropped - from the occupation army planes, for 60 days (except for the seven days of truce) - over the heads of the "residents" of the Gaza Strip, to claim their lives, and turn their bodies into pieces, without relief, medicine or treatment for the wounded who survived death, to join those who preceded them as martyrs with their Lord.

The "United States", with this "blindness" – the disasters resulting from the barbaric aggression against unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip, in addition to its unlimited military, intelligence, political, material and moral support for the Zionist entity – provokes indignation, anger and repulsion, and brings hatred and hatred to itself.

America mourns the world when its writers and theorists ask in contrived innocence: Why do they hate us?, after al-Qaeda struck the symbol of American civilization: the Trade Towers at the World Trade Center (September 11, 2001), located in New York City.

September 11 Lessons

Each experience has two "contradictory lessons"; one positive and useful, the other negative and deadly, from which one – as well as the states – chooses what he deems most suitable and most beneficial to him.

But the United States, not correctly read the experience and lessons of September 11, 2001, blinded by the arrogance of power. Just as the Zionist entity does in the Gaza Strip, America rushed with unbridled vengeful lust, like a raging bull, pouring bombs and lava on the Afghan people, and invaded Afghanistan that lasted 20 years (2001-2021), to finally reap a crushing and humiliating defeat, and more hatred, and the Taliban remained, which they promised to eradicate and erase.

A few weeks ago, the US administration ignored the implications of the recall and circulation of American youth, the letter of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden published in the British newspaper The Guardian (2002), in which he explained in detail the "reasons for hatred" of the United States very objectively.

These reasons centered on the bias and American support for the Zionist entity in its brutal daily crimes against the Palestinian people, killing, displacement, displacement, arrest, humiliation, humiliation, and theft of their "legitimate rights", recognized by the United Nations.

Bin Laden's Vision

The Americans could have stopped and reviewed their support for the Zionist entity, just as they could have been frank with themselves after the invasion of Afghanistan, to find out the answer to their question: "Why do they hate us?" , even if guided by the message of their enemy, bin Laden, a message that involves a deep vision of the conflict, but each time, they do not learn from their experiences.

In 2003, America invented the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, invaded and occupied it (2003-2011), while the real purpose was colonialism to plunder its wealth and destroy it, so as not to annoy it, or to the "Zionist entity" that is afraid of it, and which does not want any other country in the region to possess any reasons for power or renaissance.

During the years of occupation, U.S. forces and the Western coalition killed about 150,1 Iraqi civilians — if not more by some estimates — and displaced 6.<> million people, according to UN reports, and then left them captive to the violence they planted.

The shame of killing civilians

The situation is not much different in the U.S. War on North Vietnam (1964-1975), pro-Soviet communism (dissolution in 1991, inherited by the Russian Federation), America's rival at the time. Vietnam lost about a million people killed in the war, the majority of them civilians, and the U.S. military also massacred there, before withdrawing defeated, defeated, humiliated.

"Killing civilians" is an inherently colonial behavior and a "shame", and the United States of America has not escaped this shame, as it has a long history in this morally and humanely shameful behavior, as it did in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam.

The shame of killing civilians also haunts the "Zionist occupation army", which is an extension of the Zionist gangs that committed heinous massacres against Palestinians in 1947, which resulted in the 1948 Nakba, by displacing hundreds of thousands of them, as this Nazi army seeks to repeat the Nakba in the Gaza Strip, with American funding and support, and actual participation.

Sword of Human Rights

American and Western politicians embrace the "pragmatic philosophy" in its political version, which means, in short, that "ideas, values, ideals, and principles" are not a criterion, the benefit from their application is the criterion, and if they have no benefit or return, they are neither necessary nor worthless.

Thus, the United States, in explanation of its position participating in the aggression on Gaza, sees the "Zionist entity" as a strategic ally, a tool and a big stick in the region, and therefore strongly supports it.

America's claim of sponsoring "human rights" is just a sword that it uses over the necks of dictators to force them to follow the paths it sets for them.