A union made up of Tokai University faculty and staff members went on strike to cancel classes for 15 minutes at the campus in Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, in demand an increase in base sales.

The strike was carried out by the Tokai University Teachers' Union, which is made up of Tokai University faculty and staff of university hospitals.

On the 6th, two part-time lecturers canceled 2 minutes of classes held on the campus in Hiratsuka City, and about 15 people, including union members, held banners and banners in front of the school gate to call for support from the students.

According to the union, there has been no base increase for 30 years, and although we have been collectively bargaining for full-time faculty and staff members for a 11% or
more base increase and
10% for part-time faculty members, the university has not responded, so we have gone on strike.

The Japan Federation of Private University Teachers' Unions says it is unusual for a university to strike over wages.

A male student said, "I think a strike would be a good idea if the university would improve."

Makiko Ohara, a part-time lecturer who went on strike, said, "The standards for salary assessment are unclear, and faculty and staff are worried about their livelihoods.

Tokai University said, "We have continued to negotiate in good faith, but the union has unilaterally announced a strike, and the demand is directly linked to an increase in tuition fees."