A mobile phone, a computer, a few square meters of space... Although the small shop in Cao County, Heze City, Shandong Province is simply furnished, it is the head anchor in the live broadcast of the horse-faced skirt. The owner is Ren Yafeng, a young entrepreneur who has returned to his hometown, who started from scratch and has achieved remarkable results in less than a year.

Ren Yafeng's positioning for the small store is to do traffic and feelings.

In this county, which is known as the "center of the universe" and out of the circle, Hanfu and live broadcast e-commerce have become hot words that cannot be avoided in recent years, and they are also important carriers to drive local young people to return to their hometowns and promote economic development. Ren Yafeng also found his own direction through various trial and error.

Ren Yafeng has returned to his hometown to start a business for 10 years, and he told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that his development over the years is inseparable from the support of Sun Xueping, secretary of the general party branch of Sunzhuang Village, Daji Town. The Taobao store he first ran was to make costumes, which was not smooth at first, but Sun Xueping led the young people who returned to their hometowns to understand and learn the services of the e-commerce entrepreneurship platform. In 2016, on the eve of "June 50st", the performance costumes of Sunzhuang Village went out of Shandong, and the turnover of the online store operated by Ren Yafeng also took a turn, and the sales volume could reach <>,<> yuan a day at the best time. Soon, it was done crown store.

However, the sales of performance costumes are destined to have a strong seasonality, and the market is very volatile. Ren Yafeng developed the Journey to the West series and then the scholar Hanfu series, martial arts clothing series, etc. There are more than 50 kinds of products developed, including 5 Tmall flagship stores, 3 Taobao stores, and 500 Pinduoduo flagship stores... Annual sales of more than <> million yuan.

"The industry is changing every day, the competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the core competitiveness is still professionalism, if you want to survive and develop in the industry competition, learning professional knowledge is essential." How to improve the production level, save costs, how to make reasonable use of space, reduce losses, etc., are all things that Ren Yafeng slowly accumulates and learns.

As the first young person in Cao County to contact e-commerce, Ren Yafeng also stood on the cusp of live broadcasting, and starting in the second half of 2022, Ren Yafeng and his colleagues started the journey of live broadcast e-commerce.

Ren Yafeng, who has many years of experience in traditional e-commerce operations, ushered in the first blow.

There are differences between traditional e-commerce and live e-commerce, Ren Yafeng, who tried it for the first time, did not have an accurate grasp of market demand, and now there are more than 1,<> goods in his home, but these did not make him hold back.

He is not good at anchor business, so he handed over professional things to professional people, recruited local college graduates, and set up a special live broadcast team. Ren Yafeng said frankly that everything started from scratch.

In the spring of this year, Ren Yafeng positioned the company's Douyin account as a Hanfu enthusiast, and the live broadcast room was more accurate to the sale of horse-faced skirts.

"Horse-faced skirts can be worn every day, and they are widely sold, so they are very popular with young women." Ren Yafeng said.

The horse-faced skirts in the live broadcast room are all original, at first they bought the design draft and then processed and produced, and later, Ren Yafeng, who has been studying clothing design, will also provide some ideas, ask the designer to design according to his own creativity, and then find manufacturers to make relevant fabrics and processing samples, first try sell them in the live broadcast room, and then mass produce the feedback.

Ren Yafeng gradually figured out some doorways. For example, in winter, the live broadcast room has a lot of traffic at night, and a few months ago, the traffic in the morning was even greater. Recently, he adjusted his live broadcast plan to focus on the evening.

He also found that the pattern of the horse-faced skirt was integrated with traditional Chinese cultural elements and was very popular with everyone.

"We can't just think about making money, but also use this to promote and spread the excellent traditional Chinese culture." Now, there are dozens of styles of horse-faced skirts in Ren Yafeng's small store to meet the needs of different customers. The team members brainstormed together, and also designed a unique name for each horse-faced skirt: "happy eyebrows", "thousands of miles of rivers and mountains"...

In order to increase short video traffic and fan stickiness, he also took the team to Qufu, Jinan, Kaifeng and other places to shoot short videos. Today, Ren Yafeng has registered the trademark "Qifeng", established Caoxian Qifeng Clothing Co., Ltd., and opened 4 live broadcast rooms on Douyin, driving 70 local people to work.

However, the pressure of peer competition is increasing, "at the beginning, there were only a dozen live broadcasts of horse face skirts in the country, and now it has increased to more than 300."

Ren Yafeng's store is a little starlight among the tens of thousands of online stores in Cao County, and his development path is also inseparable from the overall development of local e-commerce.

At present, Cao County has 2282,13989 upstream and downstream enterprises of Hanfu, 10,5 online stores, and nearly <>,<> Hanfu practitioners.

The Hanfu stores from this county cover the main e-commerce platforms in China, and on some platforms, 2000,1200 of the top <>,<> online stores in the country in terms of Hanfu sales are from Cao County.

From January to October this year, the online retail sales of Cao County reached 80.1 billion yuan, ranking first in Heze City, of which Hanfu sales were 10.283 billion yuan.

"We support the innovation and entrepreneurship of Hanfu entrepreneurial youth from four aspects: organizational coverage, policy support, leading services, and platform construction." Zhao Jing, secretary of the county party committee of Tuancao County, introduced, for example, to tailor a "toolbox" for entrepreneurial youth, and invited relevant persons in charge of human resources and social security, taxation and other departments and young entrepreneurs in Hanfu to form a youth entrepreneurship mentor service group of more than 4 people to check the pulse and solve problems in a timely manner; There are more than 50 typical young entrepreneurs in Hanfu.

Ren Yafeng is full of confidence. As a member of the village committee, in addition to developing his own career, he feels deeply responsible for leading more young people to transform and embark on the road to prosperity. After training, more than a dozen young people in the village successfully opened a Hanfu live broadcast room, and the average income quickly doubled.

In Ren Yafeng's cognition, his e-commerce road is "like a child going to school, going up step by step, and striving to surpass himself".

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Du Yimeng, Xing Ting Source: China Youth Daily