Recently, with the close cooperation and cooperation of the police in Ningxia, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Chongqing, the anti-narcotics department of the public security department of Wuzhong City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, for nearly one year, cracked a case of illegally operating "laughing gas" and smashed a gang headed by criminal suspect Su Mou who trafficked nitrous oxide gas (i.e., "laughing gas") to other provinces and autonomous regions.

On March 2022, 3, the Public Security Bureau of Tongxin County, Ningxia received a report that someone in a farm in Weizhou Town, Tongxin County, illegally packaged and sold "laughing gas", so it filed a case for investigation.

After a preliminary investigation, the police found that the suspect Su registered and established an energy limited company in the Sun Mountain Development Zone of Wuzhong City in June 2021, and then installed storage tanks, packaging equipment and other facilities in a farm in Weizhou Town without authorization, and purchased a large number of "laughing gas" 6 times. The police handling the case increased the intensity of external investigation and evidence collection, and judged that this was an illegal trafficking and distribution of "laughing gas" industry chain across multiple provinces and places.

The Ningxia public security organs took the lead in setting up a special case group to handle the case. With the full cooperation of the local police, they smashed in one fell swoop three criminal gangs that illegally resold "laughing gas" headed by Wu Mouting in Xi'an, Qin and Li Mougui in Chongqing, and smashed three "laughing gas" distribution networks.

In November 2022, the task force successively arrested 11 criminal suspects, including Su and Ma, in Weizhou Town, Tongxin County, and Pingluo County, and seized 5.7 tons of "laughing gas", 2 storage bottles, 326 sets of filling tables, 7 filling pump, and 1 storage tank.

In April this year, the special case team went to Sichuan again to cooperate with the Sichuan police to dismantle a distribution of "laughing gas" industrial chain, and successively arrested 4 suspects and 15 smokers of reselling and distributing "laughing gas".

So far, a total of six criminal gangs operating illegally in Ningxia, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, and other places have been smashed in the whole case, and 6 criminal suspects have been arrested. So far, the main suspects involved in the case have all been transferred for prosecution. (Rule of Law Daily)