, Beijing, December 12 (Reporter Chen Su) In view of the destruction of coastal shelter forests in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, the excavation operation in Sanmenxia City, Henan Province, which seriously damaged the native landforms such as nearby cultivated land and woodland, the poor protection and management of mangroves in some places in Hainan Province, the deforestation and reclamation in Zhangye City, Gansu Province, and the illegal encroachment on grassland in the development of salt lake resources in the Qaidam Basin of Qinghai Province, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration held a special supervision meeting on December 6. Deploy the investigation, rectification, supervision and supervision of cases related to forest and grass issues, and severely crack down on the destruction of forest and grass resources.

The National Forestry and Grassland Administration requires that the results of the national forest inspection and law enforcement inspection of grasslands, wetlands, and protected areas be sorted out, and the problems of destroying forest and grass resources that have been found to be investigated and rectified should be strictly in accordance with the requirements of investigation and punishment, rectification and accountability. It is necessary to find out the situation, comprehensively understand the problems involving the destruction of forest and grass resources, take the initiative to act, and do a good job in supervision and supervision. At the same time, it is necessary to draw inferences from one case, conscientiously analyze the existing problems in forestry and grassland supervision and law enforcement, give full play to the professional advantages of relevant units, and make every effort to do a good job in forestry and grassland supervision and law enforcement.

The National Forestry and Grassland Administration attaches great importance to the supervision of forest and grassland law enforcement, and has continued to carry out national forest supervision in recent years, and has realized the interpretation of quarterly health films. At the same time, we will organize and implement the interpretation, verification and law enforcement of grasslands, wetlands, protected areas and other health films, discover the problem of destroying forest and grass resources in a timely manner, and effectively strengthen the protection and management of forest and grass resources. In particular, since the beginning of this year, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration has successively launched special actions to crack down on deforestation and grassland destruction and comprehensive law enforcement of forest and grass wet resources in the Three Norths region, and has concentrated on cracking down on illegal problems in some important regions and key areas. 2944,6 cases were supervised and supervised by various dispatched agencies, and 89,<> mu of forest land was recovered. In addition, in response to the problems exposed by the media in the process of reforestation and rectification, such as forcibly pulling out seedlings and cutting down trees, destroying forests and grasslands, a special document has been issued to prevent "one size fits all" and effectively protect the interests of farmers. (ENDS)