Russian President Vladimir Putin (Reuters)

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Riyadh on a lightning visit today, December 6, 2023, even for several hours, but it will be effective and decisive, as the stage requires the "inevitability of the leaders' meeting" in light of the "difficult balance" between international positions on the thorny and overlapping files "politically, security, economic and military", and China's worrying presence in the West in the region, to the Ukraine crisis and its repercussions on European countries, then the Western aggression "led by the Zionist occupation forces" on Gaza, and the possibility of its expansion to areas outside the Palestinian file with its political and geographical dimensions.

An emergency phase requires an emergency action, what can be called, the bilateral "Saudi-Russian" "hedging policy" to control the contradictory surrounding movements in the common files, and to get out of the possible negative repercussions, which may be contrived to confuse and confuse.

The stage goes beyond bilateral consultation of counterpart ministers, to meeting leaders, not only to put dots on letters, but also to control movements with serious, effective and firm punctuation.

After the summit, the facts of which will remain hostage to closed doors, but its leaks will poke the noses of intruders, and send some euphoria to those who aspire to the national interest.

Certainly, the meeting – the most important in its level and occasion – will go beyond direct bilateral consultation to understanding and agreeing on political and security determinants, surrounded by the fence of the "OPEC+ agreements", and this is why its justifications:

What the world is experiencing today from the stage of international separation, "the chaos of the interwar phase", and the negative impact on the consciousness of the elites. The Western bias towards the politicization of issues and files, and the tendency to militarize thinking and analysis, and its reflection on the militarization of relations and solutions.

The world at this stage is exposed in three ways:

The clash of international interests and their negative intersections. Disrupting UN bodies and marginalizing their role in adhering to and applying international law. The absence of elitist awareness controlling popular behavior of government wills.

The current milestone stage we are living in requires an alliance with oneself, and this does not mean calling for introversion, but rather working to build partnerships and interactions in accordance with the direct national interest "tactically", as time in its changes is faster than taking a breath to plan and consult.

The stage entails the following:

Separate the files in form, link them objectively, and that this should be followed by a conscious process of analyzing risks and challenges to be aware of and neutralize them. Rotate the analytical awareness of the regional and international importance of the Arabian Gulf region, from the point of view of "geostrategic" value and not just "energy space". Despite its importance, the geostrategic dimension cannot be maneuvered to replace or underestimate its importance, unlike the importance of traditional energy and the world's efforts to search for new alternatives to it, or confuse the countries of the region with claims of "global warming and polluting emissions."

The inevitability of the leaders' meeting: The Saudi crown prince and the Russian president in Riyadh push observers to deep eagerness to embezzle the details of his agenda and its outputs, which will certainly not be announced, and the hint will be only at its paths and orientations, but it will certainly be realistic pragmatism in building a special strategic bilateral "Saudi-Russian" path with multiple files to achieve the interests of both parties, and consequently other subordinate interests.

The aftermath of the summit is a question whose answers will remain hostage to closed doors, but its leaks will poke the noses of intruders and send some euphoria to those who aspire to the national interest.

The post-summit will be a space for patriots "on both sides" to serve and nurture national interests, and to strip away hidden intentions and natural dependencies.

The stage of optimism, interaction and seriousness, and the two countries may not pass through a closer and firmer opportunity than this stage, and I do not call for seriousness from this chaos, nor do I provide capabilities than what is available.

I hope that the "post-summit" responds in its interaction to the stage of "the inevitability of the leaders' meeting".