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Statue of Justitia (symbolic image)

Photo: Arne Dedert / dpa

A 27-year-old climate activist has been sentenced to six months in prison without parole for a paint attack on Heidelberg University. This was announced by a spokeswoman for the Heidelberg District Court on Wednesday. The activist of the so-called Last Generation had committed damage to property that was harmful to the public.

According to the activist group, the man had sprayed the university building with orange paint in October. The trial came so quickly because an expedited procedure had been carried out.

According to the court, the damage amounted to 30,000 euros. Previously, the defendant had already been sentenced to several fines, among other things.

The activists are calling on the German government to take a more committed approach to climate protection. With their actions, they also repeatedly cause criticism because, for example, they spray the Brandenburg Gate with paint or block important roads during rush hour.
