It has been six days and one week since the accident in which the American military transport plane "Osprey" with eight people on board crashed off the coast of Yakushima in Kagoshima Prefecture. The U.S. military has certified the death of all crew members as they are not expected to survive, and it is expected that the main part of the aircraft will be salvaged in the future along with the recovery of the body in the area of the site.

On the 29th of last month, the US Air Force's transport aircraft "Osprey" with eight people on board crashed off the coast of Yakushima, and the US Air Force's Special Operations Command released a statement on the 8th of this month, saying that it was unlikely to survive, and that all eight people, including one who had already been confirmed dead, were dead, and the activities were shifted from rescuing the crew to accommodating the body.

The bodies of six crew members had been recovered in the area by the 5th, and the Japan Coast Guard and other agencies are continuing to search for the remaining two.

In addition, multiple wreckage that seems to be part of the aircraft found off the coast of Yakushima has been handed over to the US military based on the Japan-US Status of Forces Agreement, and it is expected that the main part of the aircraft that is indispensable for investigating the cause of the accident will be salvaged at the site in the future.

Osprey accident kills record

According to the Ministry of Defense, the death toll from the Osprey accident is the highest since it was put into service by the U.S. military in 2007.