Senior officials of the diplomatic authorities of Japan and the United States discussed the need to respond with a sense of urgency and signed a cooperation document to deal with disinformation disseminated on social media and other media to manipulate information.

Foreign Press Secretary Kobayashi and Under Secretary of State Allen of the U.S. Department of State attended the consultation held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a signing ceremony for the cooperation document.

In it, Deputy Minister Allen stated, "We are aware that Japan has been the target of information manipulation over treated water at the nuclear power plant, and disinformation is a security issue for both countries, and we would like to deepen cooperation."

The two leaders shared the need to respond to this issue with a sense of urgency, and confirmed that they would work together to detect and exchange information in the event of information manipulation from a foreign country, as well as analyze it.

At the press conference, Kobayashi said, "Various countries feel threatened by disinformation, and since it is a global and complex issue, it is important to share each other's experiences and deepen understanding."

U.S. Undersecretary of State: "Analysis of Disinformation by Foreign Powers Becomes a Top Priority"

A senior State Department official, who is the head of the U.S. anti-disinformation measures, said in an exclusive interview with NHK on June 6 that "disinformation is a national security threat," and emphasized that Japan will work with Japan and other countries to take measures to stop the spread of disinformation.

U.S. State Department Under Secretary Allen, who is visiting Japan, signed a cooperation document for Japan and the U.S. to work together to combat disinformation on June 6, and then gave an interview to NHK in Tokyo.

Commenting on the signing of the cooperation document, Under Secretary of State Allen said, "Disinformation is a national security threat, and we must work to help people recognize it and pursue the truth," and emphasized that Japan will take measures to stop the spread of disinformation in cooperation with Japan and other countries with information from China, Russia, and other countries in mind.

And in the US presidential election and the Taiwan presidential election to be held in 2024, there is widespread concern about interference in the election from the outside, "Analysis, identification, and clarification of disinformation by foreign forces is a top priority," he said, adding that he would strengthen his vigilance against "AI = disinformation using artificial intelligence."