Solène Delinger 11:39 am, December 06, 2023

Jade and Joy Hallyday chose "Sept à huit" and Audrey Crespo-Mara for their very first TV interview. The journalist flew to Los Angeles in mid-November to speak with Johnny and Laeticia's two adopted daughters. The Taulier's widow did not wish to participate in this exchange for a very good reason.

This will be their first-ever appearance on television. Next Sunday, at 19:15 p.m., Jade and Joy Hallyday will answer questions from Audrey Crespo-Mara in Sept à huit, on TF1. This exclusive interview was recorded in mid-November in Los Angeles, at the home of the two young girls and their mother Laeticia Hallyday.

Jade and Joy Hallyday discussed all subjects, even the most sensitive ones

Jade and Joy were obviously a little stressed at the beginning of the interview. "But who wouldn't be at 15 and 19 years old for a first TV interview?" said Audrey Crespo-Mara in an interview with Puremédias. In front of the journalist, the teenagers talked about everything: their adoption in Vietnam, their relationship with David and Laura, their cold relationship with Laeticia or the death of their father and the popular tribute paid to him. Jade and Joy also spoke about another difficult topic: "the violent, hateful and racist comments they receive on social media."

"Laeticia preferred to leave them alone with me"

Was their mother Laeticia there to guide them during the interview or to give them some answers, especially when the subject of inheritance was raised? Audrey Crespo-Mara assures her that Jade and Joy were alone in the room. Laeticia Hallyday "had the delicacy to be absent for the time of her daughters' interview". "She preferred to leave them alone with me. In any case, if she had wanted to stay, I would have asked her to leave as I do with all the entourages of my guests," explained the journalist, for whom Jade and Joy did not need their mother anyway: "When you see the girls, you will understand that they have character. I found them lively and intelligent enough to answer the questions I asked them on their own. I don't think they're the type to be remote-controlled by their mother."