The short story collection contains five short stories about vulnerable children and troubled parents. The first revolves around the hamster Mrs. Berg who has to fill the loss of an absent mother. On the contrary, the animal that soon dies is a painful reminder of all that the children miss.

"I've had a hamster called Mrs. Berg and it was just a tragedy. They escape, bite and fight. They are violent animals," says Ingvild H. Rishøi.

Found his way to write

"The Story of Mrs. Berg" was published in Norwegian in 2011, but only now in Swedish in translation by Marie Lundqvist. For Ingvild H. Rishøi, it was with it that she found her special way of writing.

She made her debut as an author in 2007 with the short story collection "La sta". She was first introduced to Swedish in 2019 through the short story collection "Vinternoveller" by the then newly started Flo publishing house.

With the short novel "Stargate – A Christmas Story" from 2021, she got her big breakthrough. The book, which has been a huge success, alludes to the girl with the matches and will soon be made into a film.

Astrid Lindgren – but for adults

Ingvild H. Rishøi has been praised for her way of depicting subjects such as poverty, alcoholism and vulnerability through the perspective of children.

She often mixes everyday realism with a sense of magic, which has led to her being likened to an Astrid Lindgren for adults.

"That's the best compliment I can get. She's a champion.

The references to Lindgren are there in several ways, through the characters' names and sometimes even their actions.

"I've read Astrid Lindgren's books and felt that they were almost my experiences. They are part of everything that is me," says Ingvild H. Rishøi.

In the clip you can hear more about Ingvild H. Rishøi's short stories.