Marlen Eskander is the founder and operations manager of Läslandet in Södertälje, which also has branches in Järva in northwest Stockholm.

"We are not at all surprised by the poor results in the report. We have had housing segregation, housing segregation and school segregation. Now we also have pedagogical segregation. Schools lack adequately trained staff. This means that schoolchildren do not meet staff who read themselves," says Marlen Eskander.

"Our goal is to create reading habits among target groups that are not used to reading through social practices. You come here as a group and enter into a collective, a community.

The method used by Läslandet is called 4D reading aloud and is a form of dramatized reading aloud.

"We use the book, the narration, improvisational theatre and the children's co-creation. The children should be able to enter the story, add the story, reflect themselves in the story.

Watch the video to hear about how Läslandet has managed to reverse the negative reading trend.