There are only two or three Arab research centers or institutions that study Israel in depth, and they are not known to the public (Al Jazeera)

As you read these lines, you are shocked by the number of victims who fall daily in Israel's barbaric war on the Gaza Strip, and whose number will increase, as you read these lines, there is a question to ask yourself: Do you really know Israel?

The knowledge in question is not emotional knowledge driven by anger and hatred because of the scenes of killing and destruction that Israel is doing towards children, women and the elderly in Gaza, or historical knowledge derived from the stories of parents and grandparents about the historical enemy of Arabs and Muslims during the last seven and a half decades, but serious and deep knowledge through a revealing, close and scandalous reading of everything on which this state was built, all that it has done, and everything it plans to do in the future.

Do you know the size and number of settlements that have been built in the last ten years in Israel? How many settlers migrated during the same period? Do you know the size and size of Palestinian land and villages that have been gnawed and seized by Israel this year alone?

Do you know anything about the birthright trips that Israel organizes annually for young Jews from around the world to visit Israel for several days in order to deepen their Jewish identity? Do you know how many young people have visited Israel through these trips since they began three decades ago? And do you know who finances these trips and why?

Did you know how many prisoners Israel held in its prisons before the current war, and before the issue of the exchange of hostages and prisoners was raised? Do you know how many victims Israel has killed in the West Bank since the beginning of this year?

Christmas Journeys

Also, do you know the size of the Israeli economy and what are its most important exports? Do you know the size of foreign investments within the entity? Do you know how many weapons factories and companies Israel has? Do you know how many high-tech companies are owned and run by Israelis both inside and outside the entity?

Do you know how much annual donations are raised for Israel in America and Europe? Do you know how many members of the U.S. Congress visit Israel annually through free trips funded entirely by Jewish institutions specifically designated for that purpose?

Do you know anything about the birthright trips that Israel organizes annually for young Jews from around the world to visit Israel for several days in order to deepen their Jewish identity? Do you know how many young people have visited Israel through these trips since they began three decades ago? And do you know who finances these trips and why?


Do you know the extent of military and economic assistance that America has provided and continues to provide to Israel since its establishment until now? Do you know why Washington stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel in its current war on the Palestinians?

Do you know why the Israeli narrative dominates Western media platforms and rejects others? Do you know why Israel is hunting down every voice that criticizes its policies within American universities and research institutions and elsewhere? Do you know why major international companies in many fields are keen not to anger Israel, as the American billionaire Elon Musk recently did?

Do you know how many international resolutions adopted by the Security Council and the UN General Assembly that Israel refuses to implement? Do you know how many times America has vetoed Israel at the UN? Do you know why Israel and America have thwarted the two-state solution? Do you know why the world rejects the ceasefire despite the heavy human toll of children and women in the Gaza Strip?

Distorted knowledge

Do you know, dear reader, that there are only two or three Arab research centers or institutions that study Israel in depth, and they are not known to the public? Do you know that some Arab countries reject the establishment of these centers out of fear of Israel? Do you know that Israel closed some of these research centers a few years after its establishment?

On the other hand, did you know that Israel has dozens of research centers that study the Arab world in all political, social, economic, cultural, literary, historical and religious aspects? Etcetera.

Did you know that some of the most important research and academic journals on the Middle East are published in Israel or are attended by Israeli editors and writers? Did you know that Israel spends more than 6% of its GDP – which exceeds fifty billion dollars – on education? Did you know that at least ten Israeli scientists and writers have won Nobel Prizes?

You probably don't know the answer to many of these questions, and others, and if you do, they are definitely incomplete, distorted, and incomplete, for the simple reason that you haven't studied the enemy in detail, dissection, and disassembly as he has been doing with you for decades.

Israel knows everything about the Arabs, about their past and present, and is keen to use this knowledge to shape their future.

It is also likely that you will not know the answer to all these questions as long as we have regimes, governments and elites that want to ignore you, make you absent and distort your awareness of the nature of the conflict with the Zionist enemy.