With the advent of winter, various respiratory diseases have entered a period of high incidence, and how to prevent and control influenza has become a key topic of public concern. A few days ago, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued health tips for winter influenza vaccination, making it clear that influenza vaccination is an economical and effective means to prevent influenza and reduce the risk of influenza-related severe disease and death, which can significantly reduce the health hazards caused by influenza and the pressure on diagnosis and treatment of medical institutions.

According to health tips, influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses that is seriously harmful to human health. The population is generally susceptible to influenza viruses, and people such as infants, young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases are at higher risk of developing severe symptoms after influenza infection. Places where people gather, such as schools, childcare facilities and nursing homes, are prone to influenza outbreaks.

Some members of the public are concerned that the flu season has entered a high season, and it is still too late to get vaccinated. In this regard, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has made it clear that although the best time to get the flu vaccine is before the arrival of the flu season, it can be administered at the vaccination site throughout the flu season. This not only directly protects yourself, but also indirectly protects your family members who have not yet been vaccinated.

Recently, many people have spontaneously come to grassroots community health service centers to make appointments for influenza vaccination, and some community vaccination clinics are also actively promoting vaccination. According to the health tips, residents can consult with eligible local medical institutions and get vaccinated as soon as possible according to the recommendations of medical staff. Vaccination units are available throughout the epidemic season.

Experts suggest that the following points should be paid attention to before and after receiving influenza vaccination: before vaccination, individuals should be truthfully informed of whether there are contraindications to influenza vaccination and health conditions, especially special circumstances such as acute diseases; After vaccination, you should stay on site for 30 minutes and leave only if there is no reaction; After returning home, pay attention to rest, eat lightly, and avoid strenuous exercise. (Economic Daily reporter Wu Jiajia)

(Economic Daily News Client)