, December 12 (Ma Zhuang) The workplace drama "News Queen" has been popular among mainland audiences since it was broadcast, and many viewers have given high scores. The play tells the story of the workplace struggle that takes place in Hong Kong's largest news media organization. Actor Charmaine Sheh plays the role of veteran news anchor Wen Huixin in the play, and the role of "News Queen" has its own protagonist halo, which has attracted many mainland audiences. Charmaine Sheh said in a recent interview with Chinanews that she likes the role of Wen Huixin very much, and the popularity of this drama has exceeded her expectations.

Actor Charmaine Sheh plays Wen Huixin in "The Queen of News". Photo courtesy of the interviewee

has been in the industry for 24 years, and Charmaine Sheh's acting resume includes many experiences in palace fighting dramas. The role of Wen Huixin needs to show the dedication of the news anchor, independent and self-reliant, and not afraid of the fighting character of the workplace. It is precisely because she has participated in palace fighting dramas many times that the role of a strong woman in the workplace is a perfect fit for her.

Talking about how she sees her role in the play, Charmaine Sheh said that she likes the role of Wen Huixin very much. She summed up the characteristics of this role: very intelligent, tasteful, with strong judgment and execution. As a ruthless person, Wen Huixin has a very strong ability to survive in the workplace. "We are also career-oriented people, and we are also very demanding of ourselves, and we all have our own opinions and judgments. But I'm not as confident, as strong, as cool as she is. Charmaine said with a smile.

Actor Charmaine Sheh plays Wen Huixin in "The Queen of News". Photo courtesy of the interviewee

On Charmaine Sheh's social account, many mainland viewers left messages in the comment area, praising her acting skills, saying that the ups and downs of the plot are interesting. As the protagonist in the play, Wen Huixin's character does not have many emotional lines, and it is still mainly based on workplace plots. In this regard, Charmaine Sheh bluntly said that to a certain extent, the "popularity" of this drama is also a manifestation of the awakening of women's independence and self-reliance.

She explained that there are real workplace survival rules and human nature discussions in the play, and the golden sentences also have certain thoughts and ideas. At the same time, the characters in the play, whether they are women or men, are more diverse and three-dimensional. Each female character has her own career pursuits and has a different charm. In addition, the setting of all the "villains" also brings some differences and freshness to the audience.

Charmaine Sheh hopes that through the role of Wen Huixin, this drama can encourage more girls to strive to do what they want to do and shine their own light regardless of age and challenges.

The popularity value of "News Queen" on Youku exceeded 8700, which once again pushed Charmaine Sheh to the public's attention. The mainland audience even used a "magnifying glass" to ignore every detail in the play, and even the audience noticed Charmaine Sheh's manicure in the play.

Actor Charmaine Sheh. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Talking about this detail, Charmaine Sheh replied with a smile, "I really didn't expect this, everyone has seen it too carefully, thank you for watching "News Queen" so seriously." She explained that in order to be more in line with the taste of Wen Huixin's character, she specially chose this French nail art that everyone noticed in the play, which was also to create her simple and elegant image.

The success of "News Queen" is not only the acting skills of the actors and the image design of the actors. Many lines in the play have been called golden sentences by netizens on the Internet, and they have been on the hot search of social platforms many times: who is writing the lines of the news queen, the news queen's high-level scolding style...

Some netizens commented that this drama has no love brain, only people who are engaged in careers. The role of Wen Huixin has succeeded in her career, relying on her own sobriety and strength, and the lines in the play are the "cool points" of countless audiences.

As Charmaine Sheh's favorite line in the play: "If you would rather wipe your tears with your hand wearing a three-carat ring than use your scars to prove that you have resisted and fought for it, then you are weak." But if you're willing to stand up, these are your achievements, and you're a hero. (ENDS)