
The plot of the British thriller revolves around a young actress Rose (Sophie Skelton), who finds herself trapped in an elevator with a stranger (Stuart Brennan). At first, he seems completely harmless to her. As the story progresses, it turns out that the man is literally a cameraman obsessed with the girl, and the situation escalates more and more. However, despite the obvious plot at first glance, it will not be possible to guess who exactly is the hunter and who is the prey until the very end.

Foreign critics on the popular aggregator Rotten Tomatoes gave the film 80% "freshness".

The author of The Guardian, Kat Clarke, notes in his review that Stalker is intriguing in its idea, but disappoints with "misogyny and a vague script", and also clarifies that the film lacks one of the main elements of thrillers in a confined space - a feeling of claustrophobia.

There are no stars of the first magnitude in Stalker, but the authors of the film have prepared a surprise for fans of classic wrestling: one of the roles was played by the legendary Bret Hitman Hart.


The drama directed by Yuri Moroz ("The Apostle", "The Inquisitor", "Ugryum River") is about the relationship between a mother and her drug-addicted son. The woman, immersed in her own career on television, missed the child's growing up and could not find a common language with him.

The heroine faces a difficult dilemma: to leave everything as it is or to give her son to compulsory treatment using an experimental method, as a result of which he will forget his entire past life. At one point, the young man disappears, and the investigator begins to understand the reasons for what is happening, who will have to get to the bottom of the true motives of the rest of the characters.

The roles in the film were performed by Victoria Isakova, Stepan Belozerov, Alexei Filimonov and others.

"I'm very interested in ambiguous characters. My character goes through ups and downs, but the most important thing is her son, whose growing up she missed out. My character has a difficult choice: to save her son's life, but never to see him again. This is a story about the relationship between a parent and a child, about selfishness, about serious mistakes and about acceptance," Vokrug TV quotes Victoria Isakova.

"Home Alone"

Director Anario Mammadov ("The Maldives Can Wait") has made a long-held dream come true: to make a New Year's film that does not look like a "glossy comedy". The source of inspiration, according to the director, was the film "Paper Moon" (1973), the plot of which revolved around an adult fraudster and his young accomplice.

The protagonist of One House, engineer Artyom (Mikhail Tarabukin), decides to rob several elite apartments. To do this, he uses his own invention that opens any locks. Already at the first robbery, the hero falls into the trap of a girl Stefania (Vitalia Kornienko) — and she demands to take her on a case to buy a gift for her mother.

"The couple Vita Kornienko and Misha Tarabukin are two absolutely restless characters, each of whom is trying to solve their problems on New Year's Eve and make sure that their loved ones meet a wonderful holiday. In the noble aspiration of the two characters, you can immediately feel the New Year — that holiday when people themselves believe in miracles and work miracles. This is how the feeling of a holiday is created," the producer of the film "Vokrug TV" quotes Mikhail Pogosov.

The cast of the film also includes Yan Tsapnik, Roman Kurtsyn, Svetlana Listova, Evelina Bledans, Sergey Stepin and others.

Yolki 10

The tenth part of the franchise, launched by Timur Bekmambetov, continues the traditions of the previous films and is entirely dedicated to New Year's miracles. The jubilee film includes four novellas about different heroes. A man living in a nursing home near St. Petersburg will find a family, a gamer girl from Nizhny Novgorod will understand that love is not a game, a blogger from Tyumen Larisa will see what her husband is ready to do for the sake of the family, and Marina from Tatarstan will learn to love what really matters to her husband.

"In the tenth part, everything will be new. A new cast, new characters, new novels and new modern good humor," Vokrug TV quotes screenwriter Evgeny Kulik.

The roles in the tenth "Yolki" were performed by such artists as Aydar Garayev, Boris Shcherbakov, Galina Polskikh, Regina Todorenko, Daria Alypova, Olga Dibtseva and others.

The film was directed by Ivan Chekhov and Damir Miftakhov.

The Boy and the Bird (Kimitachi wa Dou Ikiru ka)

The new and first full-length animated work in ten years by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki is based on the novel "How Are You?" by Yoshino Genzaburo, released in 1937. At the same time, the cartoon is not an adaptation of the book, which is considered a Japanese classic, and its plot, although it has common features with the literary source, still remains the author's work of Miyazaki.

At the center of the story is a boy named Mahito, who is very homesick for his dead mother. When his father marries a second time and moves from Tokyo to the provinces, the protagonist encounters a strange toothy heron who claims that his mother is still alive. In order to see her, Mahito must follow the bird to an old tower deep in the nearby forest. The boy does not succumb to persuasion until the heron takes his aunt there. In an effort to save his relative, the hero embarks on a dangerous journey and finds himself in the other world.

Work on the picture was carried out for almost seven years. One of the reasons was the complete rejection of computer graphics in favor of classic animation — in particular, the famous Takeshi Honda, known for the cult anime franchise Evangelion, worked on the project.

Earlier, 82-year-old Hayao Miyazaki claimed that "Boy and Bird" would be his last picture, but the success of the film (it collected more than $80 million at the global box office) pushed him to start working on a new project.